
elasticsearch oss installer for windows.


Elasticsearch Setup

This is a setup application for installing Elasticsearch (OSS flavor) on a Windows machine.

The setup will:

  • install all files into Program Files (the user can change the actual location)

  • create the elasticsearch Windows account (with Logon as service privilege)

  • install a Windows Service to automatically start elasticsearch (run as the elasticsearch account) at boot (but has to be manually started after install...).

  • grant the elasticsearch account:

    • read permissions to the config directory.
    • full permissions to the config/elasticsearch.keystore file.
    • full permissions to the data and logs directories.
  • create a bunch of Start Menu entries (link to home page, guide, etc).

If you need to modify any service related setting (e.g. the maximum memory used by the JVM) edit the file:


And then run it in a Administrator Command Prompt.

Silent installation

You can do a silent install with the /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES command line arguments. For more information see the install elasticsearch section inside the Vagrantfile-provision.ps1 file.


The setup is created inside a Vagrant environment. To create the environment install:

Then run vagrant up. The setup executable should appear on the same directory as this README file.