
python elasticsearch query module for easily accessing nested aggregations and such

OTHER License



A python wrapper to make elasticsearch queries and aggregations more fun.

Tested with python 3.6 and 3.10 and elasticsearch 7 and 8.

Learn more at elastipy.readthedocs.io.

In comparison to elasticsearch-dsl this library provides:

  • typing and IDE-based auto-completion for search and aggregation parameters.
  • some convenient data access to responses of nested bucketed aggregations and metrics
    (also supporting pandas)



To install elastipy using the elasticsearch 8+ backend:

pip install elastipy

If you target the elasticsearch 7 version, do:

pip install 'elasticsearch<8'
pip install elastipy


One thing is, of course, to install elasticsearch.

  • elastipy itself requires elasticsearch-py
  • doc building is listed in docs/requirements.txt and mainly
    consists of sphinx with the readthedocs theme.
  • generating the interface and running the tests and notebooks is listed in
    requirements.txt and contains pyyaml and coverage as well as the
    usual stack of jupyter, scipy, matplotlib, ..


By default an elasticsearch host is expected at localhost:9200. There are currently two ways to specify a different connection.

from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from elastipy import Search

# Use an explicit Elasticsearch client (or compatible class)
client = Elasticsearch(
    hosts=[{"host": "localhost", "port": 9200}], 
    http_auth=("user", "pwd")

# create a Search using the specified client
s = Search(index="bla", client=client)

# can also be done later
s = s.client(client)

Check the Elasticsearch API reference for all the parameters.

We can also set a default client at the program start:

from elastipy import connections

connections.set("default", client)

# .. or as parameters, they get converted to an Elasticsearch client
connections.set("default", {"hosts": [{"host": "localhost", "port": 9200}]})

# get a client
<Elasticsearch([{'host': 'localhost', 'port': 9200}])>

Different connections can be specified with the alias name:

connections.set("special", {"hosts": [{"host": "special", "port": 1234}]})

s = Search(client="special")
<Elasticsearch([{'host': 'special', 'port': 1234}])>


More details can be found in the tutorial.

# get a search object
s = Search(index="world")

# create an Aggregation class connected to the Search
agg = s.agg_date_histogram(calendar_interval="1w")
# (for date-specific aggregations we can leave out the 'field' parameter 
#  it falls back to Search.timestamp_field which is "timestamp" by default)

# submit the whole request

# access the response

[21, 77, 60, 42]

Without a metric these numbers are the document counts.

Above example as a one-liner:

{'1999-12-27T00:00:00.000Z': 21,
 '2000-01-03T00:00:00.000Z': 77,
 '2000-01-10T00:00:00.000Z': 60,
 '2000-01-17T00:00:00.000Z': 42}

nested aggregations and metrics

s = Search(index="world")

# the first parameter is the name of the aggregation 
#   (if omitted it will be "a0", "a1", aso..)  
agg = s \
    .agg_terms("occasion", field="occasion") \
    .agg_rare_terms("rare-excuses", field="excuse", max_doc_count=2) \
    .metric_avg("avg-length", field="conversation_length") \
    .metric_max("max-length", field="conversation_length") \

The rare_terms aggregation is nested into the terms aggregation and the metrics are siblings nested inside rare_terms.

keys(), values(), items() and to_dict() all operate on the current aggregation. For bucket aggregations they typically show the doc_count value.'

{('dinner', 'my mouth is too dry'): 1,
 ('dinner', "i can't reach the spoon"): 2}

The rows(), dict_rows() and dump.table() methods operate on the whole aggregation branch:

[{'occasion': 'dinner',
  'occasion.doc_count': 200,
  'rare-excuses': 'my mouth is too dry',
  'rare-excuses.doc_count': 1,
  'avg-length': 163.0,
  'max-length': 163.0},
 {'occasion': 'dinner',
  'occasion.doc_count': 200,
  'rare-excuses': "i can't reach the spoon",
  'rare-excuses.doc_count': 2,
  'avg-length': 109.5,
  'max-length': 133.0}]
occasion │ occasion.doc_count │ rare-excuses            │ rare-excuses.doc_count │ avg-length   │ max-length  
dinner   │ 200                │ my mouth is too dry     │ 1 ██████████▌          │ 163.0 ██████ │ 163.0 ██████
dinner   │ 200                │ i can't reach the spoon │ 2 ████████████████████ │ 109.5 ████   │ 133.0 ████▉ 


from elastipy import query

s = Search(index="prog-world")

# chaining means AND
s = s \
    .term(field="category", value="programming") \
    .term("usage", "widely-used")

# also can use operators
s = s & (
    query.Term("topic", "yet-another-api") 
    | query.Term("topic", "yet-another-operator-overload")

# .query() replaces the current query 
s = s.query(query.MatchAll())

languages_per_country = s.agg_terms(field="country").agg_terms(field="language").execute()

{('IT', 'PHP'): 28,
 ('IT', 'Python'): 24,
 ('IT', 'C++'): 21,
 ('ES', 'C++'): 29,
 ('ES', 'Python'): 22,
 ('ES', 'PHP'): 18,
 ('US', 'PHP'): 23,
 ('US', 'Python'): 20,
 ('US', 'C++'): 15}


There is a small helper to export stuff to elasticsearch.

from elastipy import Exporter

class MyExporter(Exporter):
    INDEX_NAME = "my-index"
    # mapping can be defined here
    # it will be sent to elasticsearch before the first document is exported 
    MAPPINGS = {
        "properties": {
            "some_field": {"type": "text"},

count, errors = MyExporter().export_list(a_lot_of_objects)

print(f"expored {count} objects, errors: {errors}")
expored 1000 objects, errors: []

It uses bulk requests and is very fast, supports document transformation and control over id and sub-index of documents.

import datetime

class MyExporter(Exporter):
    INDEX_NAME = "my-index-*"
    MAPPINGS = {
        "properties": {
            "some_field": {"type": "text"},
            "group": {"type": "keyword"},
            "id": {"type": "keyword"},
            "timestamp": {"type": "date"},

    # if each document has a unique id value we can use it
    # as the elasticsearch id as well. That way we do not
    # create documents twice when exporting them again.
    # Their data just gets updated.
    def get_document_id(self, es_data):
        return es_data["id"]
    # we can bucket documents into separate indices 
    def get_document_index(self, es_data):
        return self.index_name().replace("*", es_data["group"])
    # here we can adjust or add some data before it gets exported.
    # it's also possible to split the data into several documents
    #   by yielding or returning a list
    def transform_document(self, data):
        data = data.copy()
        data["timestamp"] = datetime.datetime.now()
        return data

(1000, [])

If we are tired enough we can call:


This will actually delete all sub-indices because there's this wildcard * in the INDEX_NAME.

More examples can be found here.


To run the tests call:

python test.py

To include testing against a live elasticsearch:

python test.py --live

To change localhost:9200 to something different pass any arguments as json:

python test.py --live --elasticsearch '{"hosts": [{"host": "", "port": 1200}], "http_auth": ["user", "password"]}'

The live tests will create new indices and immediately destroy them afterwards. They are prefixed with elastipy---unittest-

To check the coverage of the tests add -c or -m flags. -m will add the missing line numbers to the summary.


The methods for queries and aggregations as well as the query classes are auto-generated from yaml files. They include all parameters, default values and documentation.

Add a missing query or aggregation

  1. Create a yaml file with the name of it in one of the sub-directories in definition/query or definition/aggregation.

    The sub-directories in query/ are just for tidiness and follow the nesting in the sidebar of the official documentation. The three directories below aggregation/ actually define the aggregation type bucket, metric or pipeline.

  2. Create the python code via

    # in project root
    python generate_interfaces.py

    This will update the files:

    The sphinx documentation will collect the respective documentation from these files.

Update the example and tutorial notebooks

  1. Do some changes or add a new notebook (and keep main requirements.txt up to date).

  2. Execute:

    python run_doc_notebooks.py --execute

    This will convert the notebooks to .rst files into the docs/ directory.

    The docs/quickref.ipynb notebook will even be rendered as markdown into this README.

    The -e/--execute flag is required for proper doc building. For debugging purposes it can be omitted in which case the current notebook state is rendered.

  3. Run

    cd docs/
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    make clean && make html

    and inspect the results in docs/_build/html/index.html.

Before committing changes run

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install

This will install a pre-commit hook from .pre-commit-config.yaml that clears the output of all notebooks. Since the interesting ones are already rendered to the document pages, i just think this is more tidy and releases one from cleaning up the execution state of notebooks by hand before committing.

Generally, i'm stuck with restructuredtext for the docstrings although besides the :param: syntax i find it simply repellent. It still has the most supported toolchain it seems.