
Final Year Project at UCC on the topic of Alternative Visualizations for Distributed Tracing Data


Alternative Visualisation of Distributed Tracing data in a complex, large-scale distributed system

Final year project for University College Cork BSc in Computer Science. Exploring visualisations of distributed tracing data and implementing OpenTracing tracer shims to collect runtime and compile time information with which to enrich spans to ultimately be consumed by a debug adapter and debug extension for Visual Studio Code to step through code in a multi-repo polyglot distributed system, powered by a GraphQL API server.


How To Run

This project was developed and made for Unix systems. Windows filesystems are not supported.


  • docker
  • docker-compose
  • Visual Studio Code
  • NodeJS
  • NPM

A number of ports are required to be unbound:

  • 80
  • 5001
  • 8001
  • 8002
  • 8080
  • 8082
  • 14268
  • 16686

Everything except the extension can be build through docker-compose. Run docker-compose build and wait for everything to be built.

You can then run everything with docker-compose up -d.

To generate some data, run curl -H 'user_id: 12345' -H 'session_id: asdfasdf12345' localhost:8001/.

Then, open ./trace_step/extension in Visual Studio Code and hit F5 to start the extension in a new Visual Studio Code instance. Navigate this instance to ./trace_step/microservices/exmpl1, hit F5, navigate to http://jaeger.localhost/ and use the search tools to find the trace(s) generated. Take one of the trace IDs and insert it into the popup menu in the newly opened Visual Studo Code instance. Follow the popup menu instructions from there. : )