
Jasper is a robot to automate common workflows at Elastic.



Just A Simply Productive Elastic Robot

Because I wanted it to be an acronym so badly.

Jasper is a robot to automate common workflows at Elastic. Tell jasper what to do on slack or on github. It's built on hubot.

Running jasper locally

Jasper assumes a node.js version of at least 5.8, and it's configured for nvm:

Make sure you have the correct version installed:

% nvm install

If you know you have the correct version, make sure you're using it:

% nvm use

Install the dependencies:

% npm install

Start up the hubot shell:

% npm start

Then you can interact with jasper by typing jasper help.

jasper> jasper help
jasper help - Displays all of the help commands that jasper knows about.

Accessing Github

Jasper shines when it's interacting with github, but it can only do that on behalf of an existing github user. To allow jasper to access github as a user, log into that user on github and grab a personal access token from the personal settings section. Jasper needs access to the repo scope.

You'll need to throw that token into a .github-access.json file at the root of the jasper repo:

  "token": "yourpersonaltoken"

NOTE: This token will grant jasper read/write access to all public and private repos that you have access to.