


The purpose of this repo is to:

  1. Automate the provision of a Kubernetes cluster in GKE only, using Terraform.
  2. Provision elastic stack(Elasticsearch, Kibana) using ECK(if user requests it) on the same K8s cluster.
  3. Deploy metricbeat/filebeat/standalone_agent on the K8s cluster.
  4. Stress test the cluster by deploying multiple pods in various namespaces using a cli tool.
  5. Take statistics of elasticsearch target indices, storage size, docs counts and execution time of query 12 by executing es_bench script


  1. configured gcloud SDK
  2. kubectl >= 1.7.0
  3. terraform >= 0.14
  4. helm > 2.4.1
  5. golang >= 1.17.0
  6. jq >= 1.6
  7. elasticsearch cluster reachable by gcp(only in case provision_elasticsearch is set to false)

Bring up the cluster for the first time

  1. cd infra
  2. terraform init
  3. Set the google cloud project_id, k8s cluster_name, k8s nodes machine_type and the cluster region in terraform.tfvars file.
    • For project_id, region and machine_type defaults can be used. cluster_name has to be unique.
  4. Configure ElasticSearch Cluster in terraform.tfvars file. There are two options available:
    1. In case user wants a new elasticsearch cluster to be provisioned using ECK then provision_elasticsearch must be set to true. In that case variables es_password and es_host can be left empty. es_user should keep the default value and imageTag should be set to the version required.

    2. In case user already has an elasticsearch cluster deployed and reachable by gcp (elastic cloud) then provision_elasticsearch = false must be set as well as the right values to variables

       es_host, es_user, es_password, imageTag
  5. Set the size of the cluster by setting the required nodes number in variables gke_num_nodes and gke_max_num_nodes inside terraform.tfvars file.
    As the cluster is regional with 3 zones per region, the value set in those variables will result to 3x number of nodes created (gke_num_nodes * (number of zones in region)).
    gke_max_num_nodes enables cluster autoscaling in case there is a need for more resources.
  6. Configure Monitoring.
    User can select if they want their cluster to be monitored by either metricbeat/filebeat or elastic-agent in standalone mode by setting the appropriate values in variables deployBeat, deployAgent.
    Both options can be used.
  7. terraform apply
  8. Configure kubectl by running gcloud container clusters get-credentials <cluster-name> --zone europe-west1 --project elastic-obs-integrations-dev
    The correct command can be obtained from Kubernetes Engine in GCP.
  9. Check the cluster kubectl get node, kubectl get pod -A

Examples of different setups:

  1. Bring up a kubernetes cluster with 3 nodes and no autoscaling, without provisioning Elasticsearch and without monitoring
  • Example configuration:
       project_id              = "elastic-obs-integrations-dev"
       region                  = "europe-west1"
       cluster_name            = "test-k8s-cluster-simple"
       machine_type            = "e2-standard-4"
       gke_num_nodes           = 1
       gke_max_num_nodes       = 1
       provision_elasticsearch = false
       es_password             = ""
       es_user                 = "elastic"
       es_host                 = ""
       deployBeat              = false
       deployAgent             = false
       imageTag                = ""
       namespace               = "kube-system"
  1. Bring up a kubernetes cluster with 3 nodes and autoscaling up to 18 nodes, without provisioning Elasticsearch and with Beats monitoring version 8.3.0.
    Prerequisite is the existence of an elastic stack.
  • Example configuration:
       project_id              = "elastic-obs-integrations-dev"
       region                  = "europe-west1"
       cluster_name            = "test-k8s-cluster-autoscaling-beats"
       machine_type            = "e2-standard-4"
       gke_num_nodes           = 1
       gke_max_num_nodes       = 6
       provision_elasticsearch = false
       es_password             = "mypassword"
       es_user                 = "elastic"
       es_host                 = "https://bxxxxxed.europe-west1.gcp.cloud.es.io:9243"
       deployBeat              = true
       deployAgent             = false
       imageTag                = "8.3.0"
       namespace               = "kube-system"
  1. Bring up a kubernetes cluster with 3 nodes and autoscaling up to 18 nodes, with Elasticsearch provisioning and with elastic-agent monitoring version 8.3.0.
  • Example configuration:
       project_id              = "elastic-obs-integrations-dev"
       region                  = "europe-west1"
       cluster_name            = "test-k8s-cluster-autoscaling-elasticsearch-agent"
       machine_type            = "e2-standard-4"
       gke_num_nodes           = 1
       gke_max_num_nodes       = 6
       provision_elasticsearch = true
       es_password             = ""
       es_user                 = "elastic"
       es_host                 = ""
       deployBeat              = false
       deployAgent             = true
       imageTag                = "8.3.0"
       namespace               = "kube-system"

NOTE. The command may end with an error like this but everything should be successfully deployed:

Error: Kubernetes cluster unreachable: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused

Put load on the cluster

  1. cd scripts
  2. go build
  3. ./stress_test_k8s --kubeconfig=/Users/<username>/.kube/config --deployments=20 --namespaces=10 --podlabels=4 --podannotations=4

The above command will create 10 namespaces and deploy one demo nginx deployment in each one with as many 20 replicas as indicated in the deployments flag. Each pod will have 4 labels and 4 annotations.

By default, no logs are being produced. If you want your pods to create logs run stress_test tool with --logs argument:

./stress_test_k8s --kubeconfig=/Users/andreasgkizas/.kube/config --deployments=1 --namespaces=2 --podlabels=2 --podannotations=2 --logs --periodoflogs 2

--Periodoflogs (in sec): Default value is 1 sec

Helper es_bench script (TSDB use case only)

####Prerequisite: Existence of 2 Elasticsearch Clusters. One with metricbeat index TSDB enabled and one without.

In order to get a quick estimation of the status of the 2 Elasticsearch indices(one simple and one TSDB enabled) one can execute scripts/es_bench. By now the script can only be executed manually. More specifically the script provides the following information about the cluster:

  • pri.store.size
  • docs.count
    This information would be available through _cat/indices?v=true&s=index API.
    In addition to this, the script also executes q12 which is considered as "expensive" for our use case. The query is executed 20 times sequentially for each ES cluster and provides the median of the execution times.

Execution example: TSDB_ES_URL="" TSDB_ES_PASS="passpasstsdb" SIMPLE_ES_URL="" SIMPLE_ES_PASS="passpasssimple" TSDB_INDEX=".ds-metricbeat-tsdb-8.3.0-2022.05.24-000001" SIMPLE_INDEX=".ds-metricbeat-8.3.0-2022.05.24-000001" go run main.go Example output:

Executing against new ES cluster

Client: 8.2.0 Server: 8.3.0-SNAPSHOT

index name: .ds-metricbeat-tsdb-8.3.0-2022.05.24-000001
pri.store.size: 5.8gb
docs.count: 25635493

median query time is: 2ms

Executing against new ES cluster

Client: 8.2.0 Server: 8.3.0-SNAPSHOT

index name: .ds-metricbeat-8.3.0-2022.05.24-000001
pri.store.size: 23gb
docs.count: 39051417

median query time is: 333ms