
Connector for OpenCTI for VirusTotal Intelligence data

APACHE-2.0 License


VirusTotal Intelligence Live Hunt Connector

This connector allows organizations to feed their OpenCTI platform with sightings from their VirusTotal Live Hunts.

Quick Start

We recommend running this connector from a container, when appropriate. If you build the container according to the directions below, you can pass in a detailed config, or specify configuration via environment variables. By default the container looks for a config at the path /app/config.yml. You should specify a different location if you need with the -c flag. Review the usage:

docker run --rm -ti vti-connector:latest --help

It's probably easiest to grab a copy of the reference config (config.reference.yml) and rename it config.yml. Make the necessary changes for your environment and pass it into the container.

docker run --rm -ti --volume $(pwd)/config.yml:/app/config.yml vti-connector:latest


  • OpenCTI Platform >= 5.0.3
  • Python 3.9.x (may work with lower version 3.x, but it was developed with 3.9)
  • VirusTotal Enterprise subscription


Detailed configuration can be managed via the configuration file as noted in the quick start. The script looks for config.yml in the current directory, but a different path can be given on the command line. The "current directory" is /app in the Docker container.

Optionally, many of the configuration points can be handled solely by environment variables as noted in the table below. This can be helpful to spin up a quick container to only specify what you need beyond the defaults. Lastly, the environment variable CONNECTOR_JSON_CONFIG takes a JSON equivalent of the config.yml and will override all configuration values.

YAML Parameter Environment Var Mandatory Description
opencti.token OPENCTI_TOKEN Yes The default admin token configured in the OpenCTI platform parameters file.
opencti.url OPENCTI_URL Yes The URL of the OpenCTI platform.
opencti.ssl_verify OPENCTI_SSL_VERIFY No Set to False to disable TLS certificate validation. Defaults to True
connector.confidence_level CONNECTOR_CONFIDENCE_LEVEL Yes The default confidence level for created sightings (a number between 0 and 100). CONNECTOR_ID Yes A valid arbitrary UUIDv4 that must be unique for this connector.
connector.log_level CONNECTOR_LOG_LEVEL Yes The log level for this connector, could be debug, info, warn or error (less verbose).
connector.mode CONNECTOR_MODE No Must be 'ecs' for ECS-formatted threat indicator documents or 'stix' for raw OpenCTI STIX documents. Defaults to 'ecs'. CONNECTOR_NAME Yes The name of the Elastic instance, to identify it if you have multiple Elastic instances connectors.
connector.scope CONNECTOR_SCOPE Yes Must be elastic, not used in this connector.
connector.type CONNECTOR_TYPE Yes Must be STREAM (this is the connector type).

Building Container

To build the container to run on Docker, Kubernetes, or other OCI runtime, simply run the build from this directory.

docker build -t vti-connector:latest .

Building virtual environment

This connector uses Python Poetry to manage dependencies. If you want to run the project locally, create a virtual environment using your favorite tool (I like pyenv, but the virtualenv module would be just fine). See the Poetry installation docs on how to install it.

# Install runtime dependencies
poetry install --no-dev

# Configure connector as noted above
cp config.reference.yml config.yml

# Run main script, it was installed to your virtualenv bin/ dir.

If you want to run tests and do other development things use poetry to install those deps.

poetry install

# Run all tests tests (flake8, black, isort, unit tests in tests/ dir)
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