
This repository contains A Web Application developed in Ruby on Rails with PostgreSQL on the basis of the requirements.

APACHE-2.0 License


Profile Management System


  • Profiles are user accounts(seller/buyers in context of E commerce / Any selling buying company etc) which are created to save information regarding users to server them better in a system. Generally it compromised with APIs to get/create/update profiles of users and a panel to view/search/edit profiles by admins.
  • For more details - Requirements

Getting Started with Project


  • Rails Version 5.1.7
  • Ruby 2.4.1
  • Elasticsearch Server for Searching
  • Sidekiq for Background Processing
  • PostgreSQL for Database
  • Redis for Caching and to use along with Sidekiq

Clone the repository

  > git clone
  > cd Profile-Management-System

Setting up with PostgreSQL

  # Create a database user with your PostgreSQL Terminal
  # Go to config -> database.yml
  and change these two details according to your database user
  username: userName
  password: PASSWORD

Install required dependencies

  > bundle install

Creating Database for Development and Testing Environment

  > bundle exec rake db:drop
  > bundle exec rake db:create
  > bundle exec rake db:migrate

Starting with App

  # To Start Elastic Search Server
  > sudo -i service elasticsearch start
  # To Start Sidekiq Server - Redis-Server needed to run sidekiq
  > bundle exec sidekiq
  # To run the app
  > bundle exec rails server
  # Now go to your browser and run
  # Your app is running

To check all the routes

  > rake routes

To Use Model

  # To see all the database using PostgreSQL
  > bundle exec rails db
  postgres >>> SELECT * FROM TABLE_NAME;
  # To see all the database using Rails console
  > rails c
  > model_name.all

To Use Postman API

  # After Starting Server
  GET localhost:3000/api/get_profile #Give id and get Information
  POST localhost:3000/api/signup #Give related information in the body and it'd validate accordingly
  POST localhost:3000/api/signin #Give email and password in the body and it'd validate accordingly

Demo of the Project


Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Mohd Shoaib Rayeen

This project is licensed under the Apache License - see the LICENSE file for details

Extracted from project README's
Apache License