
BluOS Controller for Linux


What is that?

This script repackages the latest version of the BluOS Controller to make it work on Linux.


Build using Podman

Podman is an alternative to Docker, which does not require any daemon or special permissions to run.

mkdir -p downloads output
podman run --rm -v ./output:/output:Z -v ./downloads:/downloads:Z

Open the output directory and run the generated AppImage.

Common issues

Program crashes when opened after few seconds

Try to delete the configuration and try again:

rm -rf ~/.config/BluOS\ Controller

Advanced topics

Build container image with Podman

podman build -t bs-bashpatch-custom .
mkdir -p downloads output
podman run --rm -v ./output:/output:Z -v ./downloads:/downloads:Z bs-bashpatch-custom

Build without using containers

Install dependencies

  • bash
  • wget
  • lynx
  • jq
  • p7zip
    • Debian: p7zip-full
    • OpenSUSE Tumbleweed: p7zip-full
    • OpenSUSE Leap 15: p7zip
    • Fedora: p7zip-plugins
  • patch
  • npm
    • OpenSUSE: npm10

Run the script


Remove temporary files

In case the script fails, a temporary directory will be kept, which can be removed with this command:

rm -r bluos-controller.*

Electron logging

Run the latest generated AppImage and print console messages:

ELECTRON_ENABLE_LOGGING=true "$(ls output/*.AppImage | sort | tail -n1)"

Share a folder

Here is how to run Samba in a container, to share the default music folder:

sudo podman run --rm -it -p 139:139 -p 445:445 -v $(xdg-user-dir MUSIC:/mount:ro -d dperson/samba -p -n -s "music;/mount"

Here is the path of the network resource which should be added to BluOS Controller:

echo '\\'$(hostname)'\'music