
A Leiningen plugin to start a web server for the remote debug re-frame applications using re-frisk.



Leiningen plugin that starts a web server for the remote debugging re-frame applications (react native, electron, web) using re-frisk-remote library.


NOTE! for shadow-cljs RN projects you can use this libary: https://github.com/flexsurfer/re-frisk-rn

Add [lein-re-frisk "0.5.10"] into your global Leiningen config (~/.lein/profiles.clj) like so:

{:user {:plugins [[lein-re-frisk "0.5.10"]]}}

or into the :plugins vector of your project.clj

(defproject your-project "0.1.1"
  {:plugins [[lein-re-frisk "0.5.10"]]})

Start a web server in the current directory on the default port (4567):

$ lein re-frisk

Or select a different port by supplying the port number on the command line:

$ lein re-frisk 8095

Run re-frame application with the re-frisk-remote library. Enjoy!