
CGSS desktop application

MIT License






  • Do not install mishiro in a path which includes Chinese or Japanese characters.

  • If you have trouble to launch or experience any error, try to install the latest version.



  • Support language: Chinese / Japanese / English.
  • [ HOME ] Get game resources. (unity3d, acb, bdb, mdb)
  • [ IDOL ] Search idol card, get card background png / character voice.
  • [ COMMU ] Producer searching.
  • [ LIVE ] Get BGM / live songs, view live score, play.
  • [ MENU ] Event PT calculator, options...

Score viewer demo: https://toyobayashi.github.io/mishiro-score-viewer/ Repo: mishiro-score-viewer

Development & Building

Windows Require

  • Windows 7+
  • Node.js 18+
  • Python 3
  • Visual Studio 2022 with C++ Desktop workload installed
  • .NET & Powershell

Linux Require

  • Node.js 18+
  • Python 3
  • gcc & g++
  • make
  • zip & unzip

MacOS Require (This part is not tested)

  • Node.js 18+
  • Python 3
  • Xcode (install Command Line Tools by running xcode-select --install in your terminal)

Quick Start

  1. Clone / Pull

    $ git clone https://github.com/toyobayashi/mishiro.git
    $ git pull

    NOTE: Due to C++ native addon compilation must match correct Electron / Node.js version, when electron version in package.json changed, please remove the following folders manually then run npm install again.

    • /app/node_modules/mishiro-core
    • /app/node_modules/sqlite3
    • /app/node_modules/hca-decoder
    • /app/node_modules/spdlog
    • /app/node_modules/usm-decrypter

    You can also just run npm run rm to do this.

  2. Install

    • Windows

      > cd mishiro/app
      > npm install -g node-gyp
      REM install electron's node C++ header
      > for /f "delims=" %P in ('node -p "require('./package.json').devDependencies.electron"') do node-gyp install --target=%P --dist-url=https://electronjs.org/headers
      REM install dependencies
      > npm install
      REM get external resources
      > npm run get
    • Linux / MacOS

      $ cd mishiro/app
      $ npm install -g node-gyp
      $ node-gyp install --target=$(node -p require\(\'./package.json\'\).devDependencies.electron) --dist-url=https://electronjs.org/headers
      $ npm install
      $ npm run get # get external resources

    If run npm install error, remove package-lock.json then try again.

  • Develop

    Recommend VSCode.

    # ~/mishiro/app$ code .
    $ npm run dev
    # or
    $ npm run serve
    # then launch mishiro by vscode debug mode
  • Build

    # bundle code for production
    $ npm run build
  • Launch

    # launch mishiro in production mode
    $ npm start
  • Pack

    $ npm run pack:x64 # x64 
    $ npm run pack:ia32 # Windows x86


Special thanks:


The copyright of CGSS and its related content is held by BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc.

Extracted from project README
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