
Simple boilerplate for building Vue app with Electron and Webpack.

MIT License



Simple boilerplate for building Vue app with Electron and Webpack.

Whats under the hood?


# Clone repository from GitHub to <directory>
$ git clone https://github.com/oliverfindl/electron-vue-boilerplate <directory>

# Switch to <directory>
$ cd <directory>

# Install all dependencies
$ npm install

# [optional] Check and update all dependencies
$ npm outdated
$ npm update


# [terminal 1] Launch Webpack development server with Vue app loaded
$ npm run dev

# [terminal 2] Launch Electron app connected to Webpack development server
$ npm run app

# [terminal 3] Build installers for your current platform
$ npm run dist


# Alias for watch:vue-app
$ npm run dev

# Alias for start
$ npm run app

# Alias for build:electron-app and start:electron-app
$ npm run start

# Launch Electron app connected to Webpack development server
$ npm run start:electron-app

# Build Electron app and Vue app
$ npm run build

# Build Electron app with DevTools disabled
$ npm run build:electron-app

# Build electron app with DevTools enabled
$ npm run build:electron-app-dev

# Copy Electron app assets
$ npm run copy:electron-app-assets

# Build Vue app
$ npm run build:vue-app

# Launch Webpack development server with Vue app loaded
$ npm run watch:vue-app

# Pack Electron app (for development purposes only)
$ npm run pack

# Build installers for your current platform
$ npm run dist

# Build installers for all platforms
$ npm run dist:all

# Build installers for Windows
$ npm run dist:w

# Build installers for macOS
$ npm run dist:m

# Build installers for Linux
$ npm run dist:l

# [internal]
$ npm run postinstall

App structure

.                                   # root
├── build                           # directory for built installers
├── dist                            # directory for distributables
   ├── electron-app                # directory for Electron app distributables
   └── vue-app                     # directory for Vue app distributables
├── src                             # directory for source code
   ├── electron-app                # directory for Electron app source code
   │   ├── assets                  # directory for Electron app assets
   │   │   └── icon.png            # app icon for Electron app
   │   └── main.js                 # main Electron app file
   └── vue-app                     # directory for Vue app source code
       ├── assets                  # directory for Vue app assets
       ├── components              # directory for Vue app components
       ├── styles                  # directory for Vue app styles
       ├── App.vue                 # main Vue component file
       ├── index.html              # main index file for Vue app
       ├── index.scss              # main style file for Vue app
       └── main.js                 # main Vue app file
├── package.json                    # npm configuration file
├── postcss.config.js               # postcss configuration file
├── webpack-electron-app.config.js  # Webpack configuration file for Electron app
└── webpack-vue-app.config.js       # Webpack configuration file for Vue app



Extracted from project README
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