
electron-quick-start conversion to Scala.js

MIT License



electron-quick-start conversion to Scala.js

How to run

Requires npm to be installed in the system.

Run sbt app/electronStart.


The application is split into five sbt modules to fit a project structure that works well with Scala.js and the security guidelines outlined in Electron documentation:

  • app
    • Combines Scala.js output of other modules with additional resources into an Electron application.
    • Implements a simple Electron sbt plugin with following tasks:
      • app/electronInstall - copies over resources (index.html, package.json, package-lock.json, styles.css)
        to target directory and runs npm install.
      • app/electronCompile - compiles Scala.js modules, copies output to target directory.
      • app/electronStart - runs npm start on target directory.
  • main
  • preload
    • Contains preload script.
    • Can use a polyfilled subset of Node.js
      APIs, so it does use CommonJS modules, but can only require a subset of them.
  • node-shared
    • Contains Scala.js facades that can be shared between main and preload modules.
  • renderer
    • Contains renderer process of the Electron Process Model.
    • Because it used for producing
      web content and browsers do not have built-in support CommonJS modules, it is built separately
      as a single bundle.

scalaJSStage setting in main, preload and renderer modules can be used to toggle between FastLinkJS and FullLinkJS output.


This software is licensed under the MIT license

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