
Command line interface to the UniteJS zero configuration web app creation tool.

MIT License


UniteJS CLI - Zero Configuration Web App Creation

How many times have you started a new web project and thought maybe I should try using the latest and greatest tech stack to see what I am missing?

Then the reality check happens and you probably think:

  • I don't have time to learn a new technology
  • The getting started guides are great but I just want to dive in and code
  • I don't want to have to learn all the new tasks/commands/scripts just to give it a try
  • How long is it going to take me to configure the different technologies to work together

The aim of UniteJS is to provide a CLI tool which you can use to create a ready to roll application with code, styling, unit tests and e2e tests, platform packaging, resource generation all with zero configuration. All combinations of the chosen technologies provide the same set of tasks to run and produce the same output.

We try not to be too opinionated with what our CLI produces, but sometimes that can't be helped 😉

Create your app with any combination of the options below, all guaranteed to work with no additional configuration.

  • Application Frameworks: Angular, Aurelia, Polymer, Preact, React, Vanilla, Vue.
  • Languages: JavaScript, TypeScript
  • Module Types: AMD, CommonJS, SystemJS
  • Bundlers: Browserify, RequireJS, SystemJS, Webpack
  • Linter: ESLint, TSLint
  • Unit Test Runners: Jest, Karma
  • Unit Test Frameworks: Jasmine, Mocha
  • Unit Test Engines: Chrome Headless, JSDOM, PhantomJS
  • E2E Test Runners: Protractor, WebDriverIO
  • E2E Test Frameworks: Jasmine, Mocha
  • CSS Pro Processors: Css, Less, Sass, Stylus
  • CSS Post Processors: PostCss
  • CSS Linter: LessHint, SassLint, Stylint, StyleLint
  • Documenters: ESDoc, JSDoc, TypeDoc
  • Task Runners: Gulp
  • Package Managers: Npm, Yarn
  • Platforms: Cordova, Docker, Electron, Web

As we add new features to UniteJS you will be able to update your project without losing any changes you have made.


In depth CLI documentation with examples can be found on our web site at

Information on the facilities available in the generated app can be found at

If you don't want to type in all the command line options we have provided an online generator on our web site at or if you are using VSCode you can install our extension UniteJS VSCode Extension with shortcuts to many of the tasks.


UniteJS is a node module and is best installed as a global package.

npm install -g unitejs-cli / yarn global add unitejs-cli


unite command --argName<0>=argValue<0> ... --argName<n>=argValue<n>

where command is one of:

  • help
  • version
  • configure
  • buildConfiguration
  • generate
  • clientPackage
  • platform
  • package

Argument names are case sensitive but values are case insensitive, argument values with spaces should be enclosed in quotes, apostrophes or backticks.


unite help

Displays the help on the command line.

unite version

Displays the version of the app and the engine on the command line.

unite configure

This command will generate your skeleton application with the options you specify.

Argument Value Used For
packageName plain text, package.json name rules apply Name to be used for your package
license None/{See SPDX for options} The license file to generate if required
appFramework Angular/Aurelia/Polymer/React/Vanilla/Vue The application framework to use
sourceLanguage JavaScript/TypeScript The language you want to code in
linter ESLint/TSLint/None The linter
None - means no linting
moduleType AMD/CommonJS/SystemJS The module type you want to use
bundler Browserify/RequireJS/SystemJSBuilder/Webpack The bundler you want to use
unitTestRunner Jest/Karma/None The unit test runner
None - means no unit testing
unitTestFramework Jasmine/MochaChai The unit test framework to use
unitTestEngine JSDom/PhantomJS/ChromeHeadless The unit test engine to execute tests
e2eTestRunner Protractor/WebdriverIO/None The e2e test runner
e2eTestFramework Jasmine/MochaChai The e2e test framework to use
cssPre Css/Less/Sass/Stylus The css preprocessor to use
cssPost PostCss/None The css postprocessor to use
None - means no css post processor
cssLinter LessHint/None/SassLint/Stylint/StyleLint The css linter to use
None - means no css linter
documenter ESDoc/JSDoc/None/TypeDoc The documenter to use
None - means no documenter
ides VSCode This can be a comma separated list
optional can be blank
packageManager Npm/Yarn The package manager to use
optional - defaults to Npm if not already set
profile See Profiles The profile to use
optional - defaults to no profile
force Force overwrite of all existing configuration
optional - defaults to off
noCreateSource Skip source file creation if already deleted
optional - defaults to off
outputDirectory 'path' The location that you want the project generated
optional - defaults to current directory
Meta Data All Optional
title plain text Used on the web index page
optional - defaults to packageName
description plain text Meta data description
optional - defaults to title
shortName plain text (usually <= 12 chars) Meta data short name
optional - defaults to title
keywords comma separated plain text Meta data keywords
optional - defaults to title split on space
organization plain text Meta data organization
optional - defaults to empty
webSite url Url for web site associated with organization
optional - defaults to empty
copyright plain text Copyright notice for application
optional - defaults to empty
namespace dotted name Namespace to use in packaging e.g. org.myorg
optional - defaults to empty
author plain text Name of the app author
optional - defaults to empty
authorEmail email address E-mail of the app author
optional - defaults to empty
authorWebSite url Web Site of the app author
optional - defaults to empty

Command buildConfiguration


This will either add a new configuration or update any existing configurations with the same name.

Argument Value Used For
operation add
configurationName plain text Name of the configuration to modify
bundle Should the final output be bundled
optional - defaults to off
minify Should the final output be minified
optional - defaults to off
sourcemaps Should the final output include sourcemaps
optional - defaults to on
pwa Include Progressive Web App functionality
optional - defaults to off
outputDirectory 'path' Location of the unite.json from configure
optional - defaults to current directory


This will remove an existing configuration.

Argument Value Used For
operation remove
configurationName plain text Name of the configuration to modify
outputDirectory 'path' Location of the unite.json from configure
optional - defaults to current directory

unite generate

Creates components for use in your application, your application framework, sourceLanguage, css preprocessor and other variables will be used to create code specific to your configuration. Additionally simple unit tests will be created.

Argument Value Used For
name the name you want to use for your item This can have spaces in it and will be
reformatted during generation
type specific to each applicationFramework See below
subFolder a folder to create your new item in Optional with framework defaults built in
outputDirectory 'path' Location of the unite.json from configure
optional - defaults to current directory

Generate Types

  • Angular - class, component, directive, enum, guard, interface, module, pipe, service
  • Aurelia - attribute, binding-behavior, class, component, element, enum, interface, pipeline-step, value-converter
  • Polymer - class, component, enum, interface
  • Preact - class, component, enum, interface
  • React - class, component, enum, interface
  • Vanilla - class, enum, interface
  • Vue - class, component, enum, interface

unite clientPackage

Perform operations to add or remove client packages. In addition these operations will handle the npm/yarn tasks.

operation add

This will add a new clientPackage and modify all the necessary configuration files to include it in your app.

Argument Value Used For
operation add
packageName plain text Name of the package to add
version 1.23.4 Fixed version to install
optional - defaults to latest version
preload Should the package be preloaded at app startup
optional - defaults to not preload
main 'path' The path to the main js file in the package
optional - defaults to looking it up
use * to mean all files to be mapped
mainMinified 'path' The path to the minified main js file
optional - defaults to using main
mainLib comma separated globs A specific set of files to include when main=*
optional - defaults to all js in the package
noScript Don't include any scripts from the package
optional - defaults to false
includeMode app/test/both When should the package be loaded as a module
optional - defaults to both
scriptIncludeMode none/bundled/notBundled/both When should the package be included as a script
optional - defaults to none
isPackage This is included as a package in module loaders
optional - defaults to not package
assets comma separated globs These files are packed in platform builds
optional - defaults to empty
testingAdditions key1=value1,key2=value2 Additional scripts for testing
optional - defaults to empty
map key1=value1,key2=value2 Additional module config maps
optional - defaults to empty
loaders key1=value1,key2=value2 Additional module config loaders
optional - defaults to empty
transpileAlias 'path' The location to build a transpiled version
optional - defaults to empty
transpileLanguage JavaScript/TypeScript The source language to transpile from
optional - defaults to empty
transpileSources comma separated globs The source files to transpile
optional - defaults to empty
transpileModules comma separated module names Relative module name imports to replace with map
optional - defaults to empty
transpileStripExt Should we strip extensions from imports
optional - defaults to false
transpileTransforms from1,to1,from2,to2... Regex transforms to apply during transpilation
optional - defaults to empty
packageManager npm/yarn The package manager to use for the add
optional - defaults to npm if not already set
profile See Profiles The profile to use
optional - defaults to no profile
outputDirectory 'path' Location of the unite.json from configure
optional - defaults to current directory


This will remove an existing clientPackage and modify all the necessary configuration files to remove it from your app.

Argument Value Used For
operation remove
packageName plain text Name of the package to remove
packageManager npm/yarn The package manager to use for the remove
optional - defaults to npm if not already set
outputDirectory 'path' Location of the unite.json from configure
optional - defaults to current directory

unite platform

Perform operations to add or remove platforms. This provides tasks that allow you to wrap your web application for different platforms.


This will add a new platform and modify all the necessary configuration files to include it in your app.

Argument Value Used For
operation add
platformName Cordova/Docker/Electron/Web Name of the platform to add
outputDirectory 'path' Location of the unite.json from configure
optional - defaults to current directory


This will remove an existing platform and modify all the necessary configuration files to remove it from your app.

Argument Value Used For
operation remove
platformName Cordova/Docker/Electron/Web Name of the platform to remove
outputDirectory 'path' Location of the unite.json from configure
optional - defaults to current directory

unite package

Add a pre-configured package to your application.

Argument Value Used For
packageName See Packages Name of the package to add
outputDirectory 'path' Location of the unite.json from configure
optional - defaults to current directory

Configuration Profiles

The following configuration profiles are currently available, they provide a set of defaults recommended by the application framework providers.

  • AngularJavaScript
  • AngularTypeScript
  • AureliaJavaScript
  • AureliaTypeScript
  • PolymerJavaScript
  • PolymerTypeScript
  • PreactJavaScript
  • PreactTypeScript
  • ReactJavaScript
  • ReactTypeScript
  • VanillaJavaScript
  • VanillaTypeScript
  • VueJavaScript
  • VueTypeScript

Client Package Profiles

The following clientPackage profiles are currently available, they provide a set of defaults for the libraries.

  • bluebird
  • bootstrap4
  • font-awesome
  • moment
  • lodash
  • primsjs
  • rxjs
  • underscore


Packages for use with the UniteJS JavaScript framework management tool.

Each package includes the npm modules and example code for a specific library.

When installed the package will also endeavour to create a router entry to link to the new example page.

  • moment
  • lodash
  • rxjs
  • underscore

See the UniteJS Packages repo for more details.


UniteJS currently has about 200 dependencies on the libraries it uses to generate the app, while we endeavour to make sure that every combination works it goes without saying that from time to time something will break.

Our web site Status page shows the current state of our test matrix which tries to test as many combinations as possible using the latest version of each library.

If you are still having issues just let us know in the Issues and we will get it fixed ASAP.

Feature Requests

You can see the planned features in the roadmap if there is any other technologies you would like to see added just drop us a message.

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NPM version Build Status Coveralls NPM downloads MIT License
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