
Use Word documents as Eleventy input



This Eleventy plugin adds a custom file extension handler for Microsoft Word .docx documents.

What it does

This plugin uses the mammoth.js library to convert docx files to HTML.

It can also be configured with a custom transformer function using cheerio. cheerio lets you use a jQuery-like syntax to adjust the HTML.


This is compatible with Eleventy 1.0.0 beta 8 and newer.


Install using npm:

npm i eleventy-plugin-docx


Add it to your Eleventy config file (.eleventy.js):

const DocxPlugin = require('eleventy-plugin-docx');

module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {
    // Use default options

Working with layouts

By default, the plugin will try to use layouts/docx.njk as the layout for all .docx files in the Eleventy site's input directory.

The docx content is rendered in the template using {{content|safe}}.

You can:

Configuration options

Configuration options can be included as an object when you add the plugin to .eleventy.js:

const DocxPlugin = require('eleventy-plugin-docx');

module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {
    // Customise configuration options
    eleventyConfig.addPlugin(DocxPlugin, {
        // Layout path for docx files, relative to 'includes' directory
        layout: 'layouts/docx.njk',

        // Where to use the layout above for all docx files
        // If this is set to false, you must set the layout in the data cascade (see below for details)
        useGlobalLayout: true,

        // Configuration object that gets passed through to mammoth.js
        // See documentation: https://github.com/mwilliamson/mammoth.js/#api
        mammothConfig: {
            styleMap: [
                "p[style-name='Quote'] => blockquote"

        // Transformer function that gives you cheerio's $ function to adjust Mammoth's output
        // You don't need to return anything - this is handled by the plugin
        // See cheerio docs for more info: https://cheerio.js.org/
        cheerioTransform: ($) => {

            // Add IDs to each subheading
            $('h2').each((index, h2Tag) => {
                $(h2Tag).attr('id', `section-${index + 1}`)

            // Add alt="" to img tags without alt attribute
            $('img:not([alt])').attr('alt', '');

            // Remove manual line breaks


Overriding configuration with directory data files

The configuration you set when you add the plugin to .eleventy.js will be used by default for all .docx files.

If you want to set specific configuration options for different documents, you can override these options in directory data files.

For example, you might have content set up like this:

├── index.docx
└── second-page/
    ├── index.docx
    └── second-page.11tydata.js

In this case, you could set your configuration in second-page.11tydata.js and it would only apply to the documents in that directory and subdirectories:

// src/second-page/second-page.11tydata.js
module.exports = {
    mammothConfig: {
        styleMap: [
            "p[style-name='Heading 1'] => h1.heading"
    cheerioTransform: ($) => {
        $('h1').attr('data-cheerio', 'true');

Overriding the global layout setting

At the moment, it's not possible to set a default layout, and then override the default layout in directory data files, like you can for mammothConfig and cheerioTransform (see above).

If you want to set different layouts, you need to:

  • set useGlobalLayout to false when adding the plugin to .eleventy.js
  • make sure you set layout in directory data files:
// Directory data file (eg. about-page.11tydata.js)
module.exports = {
    layout: 'layouts/about-page.njk'

Using with eleventy-plugin-render

This plugin pairs nicely with the new eleventy-plugin-render, which gives you a shortcode to render files inside templates.

This means you can render Word document content within your other content.

To use with eleventy-plugin-render:

  1. Make sure you're using Eleventy 1.0.0 beta 7 or newer.
  2. add eleventy-plugin-render to your Eleventy config by following the plugin's installation instructions.
  3. use the renderFile shortcode wherever you want (in Markdown files, Nunjucks templates etc.):
{% renderFile './src/word-document.docx' %}

Note: the file path is relative to the project root folder.

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