
A disk-based key-value storage built on top of dets

MIT License



A disk-based embedded key-value storage built on top of dets set. Inspired by CubDB's intuitive API.

A table has at most one entry with a given key. If an entry with a key already present in the table is inserted, the existing entry is overwritten by the new entry. The entries are not ordered. See dets manual for more info.


Documentation can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/dbkv.

Open a table

iex> {:ok, t} = DBKV.open(name: :my_table, data_dir: "tmp")
{:ok, :my_table}

iex> DBKV.open?(t)

iex> DBKV.filename(t)

You could omit name and data_dir options. In such a case, they will default to DBKV and "tmp" respectively.

iex> DBKV.open()

Upsert an entry

iex> DBKV.put(t, "greeting", "Hi")

iex> DBKV.get(t, "greeting")

Insert an entry unless the entry key already exists in the table

iex> DBKV.put_new(t, "greeting", "Hello")
{:error, :exists}

iex> DBKV.get(t, "greeting")

iex> DBKV.put_new(t, :temperature, 32)

iex> DBKV.get(t, :temperature)

Update an entry in the table with a function

iex> DBKV.update(t, "greeting", "default", &(&1 <> "!!!"))

iex> DBKV.get(t, "greeting")

iex> DBKV.update(t, 123, "default", &(&1 <> "!!!"))

iex> DBKV.get(t, 123)

Delete an entry

iex> DBKV.delete(t, "greeting")

iex> DBKV.get(t, "greeting")

Initialize a table with a specific dataset

A table can be initialized with a list of two-element tulpes.

iex> DBKV.init_table(t, [{:a, 0}, {:b, 1}, {:c, 2}, {:d, 3}, {:e, 4}])

Select a range of entries from the table

By key range

iex> DBKV.select_by_key_range(t, :b, :d)
[b: 1, c: 2, d: 3]

By value range

iex> DBKV.select_by_value_range(t, 2, 3)
[c: 2, d: 3]

By match spec

The Ex2ms.fun/2 macro is useful to build a match specification.

iex> require Ex2ms

iex> match_spec = Ex2ms.fun do {k, v} = kv when :b <= k and k <= :d -> kv end
[{{:"$1", :"$2"}, [{:andalso, {:"=<", :b, :"$1"}, {:"=<", :"$1", :d}}], [:"$_"]}]

iex> DBKV.select_by_match_spec(t, match_spec)
[b: 1, c: 2, d: 3]

Use :dets functions

You could mix and match with any dets functions if you wish.

iex> :dets.info(t)
  type: :set,
  keypos: 1,
  size: 0,
  file_size: 5464,
  filename: 'tmp/my_table.db'



When a table is not open, a function call results in ArgumentError. Make sure that the table is opened with a correct name.

iex> DBKV.get(:nonexistent_table, :temperature)
** (ArgumentError) argument error
    (stdlib 3.15.1) dets.erl:1259: :dets.lookup(:nonexistent_table, :temperature)
    (dbkv 0.2.0) lib/dvkv.ex:131: DBKV.get/3


DBKV can be installed by adding dbkv to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:dbkv, "~> 0.2"}

Using Mix.install/2 in IEx:

❯ iex

iex> Mix.install([{:dbkv, "~> 0.2"}])


There was a good discussion about Erlang/Elixir key-value stores in this Elixir Forum thread.