
Datastructures for Elixir.


Datastructures for Elixir

This is a collection of protocols, implementations and wrappers to work with datastructures.

The stdlib of Elixir right now is very poor and every now so you end up using the Erlang libraries, which have different APIs from the rest of idiomatic Elixir, and on top of that they lose all the protocol goodies.



  • first/1 - returns the first element in the sequence or nil
  • next/1 - returns a new sequence with the first element removed or nil


  • count - returns the length of the structure


  • empty?/1 - checks if the structure is empty
  • clear/1 - returns an empty structure


  • reduce/3 - reduces the structures


  • to_sequence/1 - converts the structure to a sequence


  • to_list/1 - converts the structure to a list


  • peek/1 - peeks and returns nil if the structure empty
  • peek/2 - peeks and returns the default value if the structure empty
  • peek!/1 - peeks and raises if the structure is empty


  • reverse/1 - reverses the structure


  • contains?/2 - checks if the structure contains the passed value


  • enq/2 - enqueues a value in the structure
  • deq/1 - dequeues a value from the structure, returning nil if it's empty
  • deq/2 - dequeues a value from the structure, returning the default if it's empty
  • deq!/1 - dequeues a value from the structure, raising if it's empty


  • push/2 - pushes a value in the structure
  • pop/1 - pops a value from the structure, returning nil if it's empty
  • pop/2 - pops a value from the structure, returning the default if it's empty
  • pop!/1 - pops a value from the structure, raising if it's empty


  • add/2 - adds a value to the structure
  • delete/2 - deletes a value from the structure
  • union/2 - returns the union of the two structures
  • intersection/2 - returns the intersection of the two structures
  • subset?/2 - checks if the two structures are subsets
  • disjoint?/2 - checks if the two structures are disjoint


  • get/2 - gets a value from the structure by its key, returning nil if there isn't one
  • get/3 - gets a value from the structure by its key, returning the default if there isn't one
  • get!/2 - gets a value from the structure by its key, raising if there isn't one
  • put/3 - puts a value in the structure with its key
  • delete/2 - delete a value from the structure by its key
  • keys/1 - returns a list of the keys in the structure
  • values/1 - returns a list of the values in the structure



  • get/2 - gets a value from the structure by its key, returning nil if there isn't one
  • get/3 - gets a value from the structure by its key, returning the default if there isn't one
  • get!/2 - gets a value from the structure by its key, raising if there isn't one
  • put/3 - puts a value in the structure with its key
  • delete/2 - delete a value from the structure by its key
  • keys/1 - returns a list of the keys in the structure
  • values/1 - returns a list of the values in the structure
  • put_new/3 - puts a value in the structure unless there's already one with that key
  • update/3 - updates the structure with an updater function, raises if there's no value with that key
  • update/4 - updates the structure with an updater function, the initial value is passed if there's no value with that key


  • with_index/1 - returns a sequence wrapping the sequence and returning indexes
  • all?/1 - checks all elements in the sequence are truthy
  • all?/2 - checks all elements are truthy with the given predicate
  • any?/1 - checks if any element in the sequence is truthy
  • any?/2 - checks if any element in the sequence is truthy with the given predicate
  • at/2 - gets the element at the given index, returns nil if the sequence is shorter
  • at/3 - gets the element at the given index, returns the default value if the sequence is shorter
  • drop/2 - drops the given number of elements from the sequence
  • drop_while/2 - drops elements from the sequence as long as the predicate returns a truthy value
  • take/2 - take the given number of elements from the sequence
  • take_while/2 - take elements from the sequence as long as the predicate returns a truthy value
  • each/2 - iterate over the sequence
  • select/2 - filters the elements from the sequence returning the ones the predicate returns a truthy value for
  • reject/2 - filters the elements from the sequence returning the ones the predicate returns a falsy value for
  • map/2 - returns the sequence mapped with the given function
  • reduce/3 - reduce the sequence
  • sort/1 - sort the sequence
  • sort/2 - sort the sequence with the given predicate
  • count/1 - count the elements in the sequence
  • count/2 - count the elements in the sequence that match the predicate
  • zip/2 - zip two sequences together
  • max/1 - return the max value in the sequence
  • max/2 - return the max value in the sequence using a mapper
  • min/1 - return the min value in the sequence
  • min/2 - return the min value in the sequence using a mapper
  • uniq/1 - returns the elements without repetitions
  • uniq/2 - returns the elements without repetitions using a mapper
  • reverse/1 - reverse the sequence
  • to_list/1 - convert the sequence to a list

You're awful, those names are long

I know right? Just use alias.

alias Data.Set, as: S
alias Data.Set.BalancedTree, as: SBT

SBT.new |> S.add(23) |> S.add(42) # => #Set<[23,42]>