
A simple web application that acts as a user system written in Elixir. You can register and login.


Elixir User System


A Phoenix web application that allows users to register and login. I'm making this application to practice Elixir, a functional programming language I'm learning.

This project uses Argon2 for password hashing.


  1. Install a PostgreSQL server.

  2. Modify your environment config in config/<env>.exs and configure the PostgreSQL details.

  3. Install dependencies by running mix deps.get.

  4. Create database by running mix ecto.create.

  5. Migrate necessary schemas by running mix ecto.migrate.

  6. Run the web server by running mix phx.server.

Note - By default, the web server binds to port 4000. Therefore, if you're using localhost, you can access the page at http://localhost:4000/.
