
A starter web app in Elixir and Elm on Heroku



What is this?

This is a starter project for a web application using Elixir, Phoenix, Elm, and Parcel, deployable to Heroku.

It comes preconfigured for ease of project setup, testing, integration, and deployment. Check out a blog post about some of the ideas behind it.

How do I use it?

There are two paths:

  1. You could clone this repository, replace all occurrences of "Goody" both within files and in filenames in a case-sensitive fashion, delete the .git directory, run git init, and be ready to go.

  2. However, as the software upon which this project depends is constantly being updated, you might want to use Goody as a reference as you initialize your project from the latest dependencies.

In either case, this project's commit messages contain information about the steps that were run as part of the initialization process.

Dependency Management

This project recommends using the asdf version manager to manage programming language dependencies. The bin/setup script uses asdf to install Elixir, Phoenix, Node.js, and Elm onto your machine in an isolated fashion, so there is no need to install these particular tools yourself.

Please follow the asdf installation instructions for your platform, including the Add to Your Shell and Plugin Dependencies sections.

Node.js Requirements

Installing Node.js via asdf validates the downloaded package against the Node.js release team's OpenPGP signatures. This requires the presence of the gpg command.

On macOS, run the following to obtain this dependency:

brew install gpg

For other platforms, please see the asdf-nodejs requirements instructions.


This project uses PostgreSQL as its database. Please see the PostgreSQL wiki for installation instructions.

Linux Users

On Linux, you will need inotify-tools. Please see the inotify-tools wiki for installation instructions.

Environment Configuration

This project recommends using direnv to automatically source environment variables into shell sessions.

On macOS, it can be installed with:

brew install direnv

Please see the direnv installation instructions for other platforms.

All users will need to follow the direnv setup instructions to add it to their shell.


Once asdf and direnv are both installed and set up according to the above, execute the following to set up this project:


This script will:

  1. Create a .tool-versions file for use by asdf from the dependency versions specified in the Heroku buildpack configuration files
  2. Install or update asdf plugins for Erlang, Elixir, and Node.js
  3. Install Erlang, Elixir, Node.js, and npm
  4. Create and allow a sample .envrc file
  5. Install server-side and client-side dependencies
  6. Set up the database
  7. Install pre-commit and configure commit message linting (on macOS)
  8. Set up Heroku staging and production remotes (you will need Heroku project access for this step to succeed)

The bin/setup script can be safely re-run. It should be run every time a dependency version is updated in elixir_buildpack.config or phoenix_static_buildpack.config.


Run all of the checks performed by Heroku CI with:


Note that a run of Dialyxir is included in the bin/test-all script, which will take a long time to run for the first invocation on each version of Erlang and Elixir.

Run only the Elixir tests, including the full-stack feature tests, with:

# Run tests a single time
mix test

# Run tests on every file change

Run only the Elm tests with:

# Ensure you are in the assets directory
cd assets

# Run tests a single time

# Run tests on every file change
elm-test --watch


Run the Phoenix server with:

mix phx.server

Visit localhost:4000 in your browser.

Code Formatting

The project uses code formatters wherever possible. It eschews custom formatter configuration, deferring to established community defaults. Formatting is checked by CI and the bin/test-all script. Please see the following links and your editor documentation to configure automatic formatting on file save.

Conventional Commits

This project follows the Conventional Commits style of structuring Git commit messages.

On macOS, the bin/setup script installs and configures pre-commit to enable linting of commit messages on each commit.

Please see the pre-commit installation instructions for other platforms. Once installed, run the following to configure commit message linting:

pre-commit install --hook-type commit-msg


This project uses a Heroku Pipeline, so there should never be a need to deploy directly to staging or production. The workflow goes as follows:

  1. Review apps are automatically created for each GitHub pull request.
  2. Staging is automatically deployed upon each merge to master, following a successful Heroku CI test.
  3. Staging can be promoted to production with:
    heroku pipelines:promote -r staging

Staging can be viewed by visiting