
GPIO twiddling benchmark



This is a simple Nerves application for the BeagleBone Black that is used to measure the performance of various ways of toggling a GPIO. This is useful to demonstrate tradeoffs and set expectations for performance in real applications.

Please, please realize that many of the options compared are not identical. While they all toggle a GPIO, some are platform dependent, require the Erlang VM to run as root, run the risk of crashing the VM, can't support other GPIO features (like notification when an input changes), or require C coding. TL;DR: The more of these issues or limitations you can put up with, the faster things go. Old 16 MHz 8-bit microcontrollers are better suited to some tasks.


Data for each experiment is named with the following convention:


kernel is one of the following:

  • rt - Linux kernel compiled with CONFIG_PREEMPT_RT_FULL, HZ=250
  • ll - Linux kernel compiled with CONFIG_PREEMPT_LL (low-latency desktop),

erlang is one of the following:

  • smp - Erlang compiled with SMP enabled
  • nosmp - Erlang compiled with SMP disabled

work is one of the following:

  • idle - Nothing else is going on. The twiddler has 100% of the CPU.
  • timer - A GenServer gets a timer event sent to it every 1 ms.
  • stress - The C stress program is started and instructed to max out the
  • estress - An Elixir process is started that computes square roots
    constantly (similar to stress, but in Elixir)
  • estress2 - Same as estress, but the twiddler runs at the Erlang high
    priority level. GpioTwiddler.Stress runs at the normal priority level.

test is one of the following:

  • ale - GpioTwiddler.Ale.twiddle
  • elixirwrite - Use sysfs via IO.write/2 in normal mode.GpioTwiddler.Elixir.twiddle(20000, [], :write)
  • elixirbinwrite - Use sysfs via IO.binwrite/2 in normal mode.GpioTwiddler.Elixir.twiddle(20000, [], :binwrite)
  • elixirrawbinwrite - Use sysfs via IO.binwrite/2 in raw mode.GpioTwiddler.Elixir.twiddle(20000, [:raw], :binwrite)
  • erlangwrite - Use sysfs via :file.write/2 in normal mode.GpioTwiddler.Erlang.twiddle(20000)
  • erlangrawwrite - Use sysfs via :file.write/2 in raw mode.GpioTwiddler.Erlang.twiddle_raw(20000)
  • sysfs - Use sysfs in C. GpioTwiddler.C.sysfs(20000)
  • mmap - Use mmap in C. GpioTwiddler.C.mmap(20000)
  • nif - Use mmap via a NIF. GpioTwidder.Nif.twiddle(20000)
  • nifenum - Use mmap via a NIF, but in Elixir iterate using Enum.each. GpioTwiddler.Nif.twiddle_enum(20000)

The filename arduino-uno-r3 is for captures using an Arduino Uno R3 running the code in arduino/twiddle_fast.


Replicating the results

Assuming that you have a BeagleBone Black, run through the Nerves installation guide to set up your system.

Build an SDCard image by running:

mix deps.get
mix firmware

Then insert a MicroSD card into a reader on your computer and run mix firmware.burn. After burning the MicroSD card, place it in the BBB and boot. You'll be presented with an Elixir shell prompt on the serial port. All tests toggle Pin 12 on connector P9 on the BBB. Hook up a logic analyzer to measure this. See the individual modules for tests, but you can try one or more of the following:

  • GpioTwiddler.Ale.twiddle 10000 - toggle using elixir_ale
  • GpioTwiddler.Elixir.twiddle 10000 - toggle using pure Elixir code
  • GpioTwiddler.Erlang.twiddle 10000 - toggle using Erlang standard library calls directly
  • GpioTwiddler.Nif.twiddle 10000 - toggle using a Nif
  • GpioTwiddler.C.sysfs 10000 - toggle in C using the Linux sysfs interface
  • GpioTwiddler.C.mmap 10000 - toggle in C using mmap