
Fast LLM inference with Elixir and Bumblebee



Fast LLM inference built on Elixir, Bumblebee, and EXLA.


Honeycomb can be used as a standalone inference service or as a dependency in an existing Elixir project.

As a separate service

To use Honeycomb as a separate service, you just need to clone the project and run:

mix honeycomb.serve <config>

The following arguments are required:

  • --model - HuggingFace model repo to use

  • --chat-template - Chat template to use

The following arguments are optional:

  • --max-sequence-length - Text generation max sequence length. Total sequence length accounts for both input and output tokens.

  • --hf-auth-token - HuggingFace auth token for accessing private or gated repos.

The Honeycomb server is compatible with the OpenAI API, so you can use it as a drop-in replacement by changing the api_url in the OpenAI client.

As a dependency

To use Honeycomb as a dependency, first add it to your deps:

defp deps do
  [{:honeycomb, github: "seanmor5/honeycomb"}]

Next, you'll need to configure the serving options:

config :honeycomb, Honeycomb.Serving,
  model: "microsoft/Phi-3-mini-4k-instruct",
  chat_template: "phi3",
  auth_token: System.fetch_env!("HF_TOKEN")

Then you can call Honeycomb directly:

messages = [%{role: "user", content: "Hello!"}]
Honeycomb.chat_completion(messages: messages)


Honeycomb ships with some basic benchmarks and profiling utilities. You can benchmark and/or profile your inference configuration by running:

mix honeycomb.benchmark <config>