
🪵 Elixir library that implements the Logpoint API reference

MIT License



Elixir library implementing the Logpoint API reference.


def deps do
    {:logpoint_api, github: "MikaelFangel/logpoint_api", tag: "v0.2.3"}

Example Usage

Examples on how to use the library where all examples assumes the following variables are set:

ip = ""

creds = %LogpointApi.Credential{
  username: "admin",

It's expected that you have included this repo into your mix project (see installation). Furthermore, module definitions, docs, and so forth have been excluded from the examples for brevity.

Run Search

This will create a search_id and then retrieve and return the result.

query = LogpointApi.SearchApi.Query{
  query: "user=*",
  limit: 100,
  repos: [""],
  time_range [1_714_986_600, 1_715_031_000]

LogpointApi.run_search(ip, creds, query)

Get a Search ID

This will create the search and return its id if successfull.

query = LogpointApi.SearchApi.Query{
  query: "user=*",
  limit: 100,
  repos: [""],
  time_range [1_714_986_600, 1_715_031_000]

LogpointApi.IncidentApi.get_search_id(ip, creds, query)

Retrieve a Search from a Search ID

This will retrieve the result of a given search ID. Be aware if the final key in the result map is false the search hasn't completed yet, and you need to fetch again. Otherwise, if the key success is false you need to recreate the search and try to retrieve it again.

LogpointApi.IncidentApi.get_search_result(ip, creds, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA")


Please refer to CONTRIBUTING.md.