
Example application for getting started with the Lego EV3 and Nerves


Nerves Lego EV3 Example

To try this out, you'll need an EV3 and a WiFi adapter. See for supported WiFi adapters. Also, keep in mind that support for the EV3 is in progress. Having a console adapter will come in handy.

Here are the steps:

  1. Edit config/config.exs and add your access point and wifi driver
  2. mix deps.get
  3. mix firmware
  4. Connect a MicroSD card to your computer.
  5. mix firmware.burn
  6. Put the MicroSD card in the EV3 and power off the EV3
  7. Watch the display. It should eventually show an IP address.
  8. On your computer, run iex --cookie democookie --sname me --remsh ev3@nerves-129d to connect (replace the 129d part with your ev3's
    id. It will be on the display). If your router doesn't supply local DNS,
    you'll need to add nerves-129d to your /etc/hosts.

Once you connect, you'll want to do stuff with Lego sensors and motors that you may have attached to your EV3. The docs for doing this can be found on the ev3dev website and pretty much just need to be translated from shell commands (you could use :os.cmd if you want) to Elixir File calls. For example, if you have a motor, see the tacho-motor instructions.

If you have a console adapter and want to do some debugging with this project, you'll need to do two things. The first is to switch the TTY to ttyS1 in config/rootfs-additions/etc/erlinit.config. The second is to comment out the NervesEv3Example.Display worker so that it doesn't start in lib/nerves_ev3_example.ex.