
Phoenix + Absinthe + Authentication template.

MIT License


Phoenix Absinthe Auth Template

This is a base template for starting out a Phoenix project with Absinthe, plus authentication.

About this project

This is a template that's meant to be used as a starting point for your next Phoenix project, it's a GraphQL API that let you create/login/logout users and also has a tokenRefresh mutation. It also has a docker-compose.yml file so you don't have to worry about installing Postgres locally.

I wouldn't consider this to be production ready because I'm not an expert in Elixir/Phoenix so this template might have some bad patterns and a bunch things that can be improved. That said, if you want to improve this project, feel free to open an issue or pull request.

Why is it called Ticketo?

There's no real reason for this, I had to pick a name for the project and that was the first thing that came to my mind


Phoenix: 1.4.16
Absinthe: 1.4.0
Guardian: 2.0

How to run this

  • For convenience, this project contains a docker-compose.yml files that spins up a Postgres database so you don't have to deal with local installations of Postgres. If you want to change the credentials, or use any other DB feel free to update docker-compose.yml or completely ignore it.
  • mix ecto.setup Will setup the databse, run the necessary migrations and will seed the database with initial data
  • mix phx.server will start the Phoenix server in localhost:4000
  • Open localhost:4000/graphiql to visit project's GraphiQL

Available queries/mutations


  • Me (current user)


  • Create an user
  • Login
  • Logout
  • Refresh Token