
Server code for Stratepig, a multiplayer game based on Stratego and artwork made by Rovio Entertainment.

OTHER License


Stratepig Server

This is the server code for my game Stratepig, which I'm making public mainly for two reasons:

  • I'm rather new to Rust and Tokio so I'd like to have this be open source so others can give feedback more easily
  • I've been working on Stratepig since May of 2020, and I'd like to have something to show since the client code is garbage

I am aware I do a lot of bad things here, such as waste time converting client IDs to strings when sending them to clients, and this is because there was an original server implementation written in C# that used UUIDs and I'm too lazy to change things on the client as of right now.

Honestly I'm sort of surprised that I got everything working with this server + room architecture that isn't really safe in Rust, and I'd love to hear feedback and criticism on my implementation as much as possible.

Overall, this was a learning experience more than anything else, and I will probably not be writing TCP servers in low level languages anytime soon. However, I do now have a blazingly fast server as far as I am aware.

Technical Details

Crate Description
stratepig_cli Parses arguments at the start of the application and contains the CliConfig struct
stratepig_core Manages packet serialization and deserialization
stratepig_game Contains all game-related objects, constants, and functions for paths
stratepig_macros Includes the #[server_packet(id) and #[client_packet(id)] procedular macros for stratepig_core
stratepig_server The main crate that ties everything together. Includes most server and game logic


Elixir update server for client downloads and possibly other things in the future.