
Elixir text objects + Mix ecosystem tools



Plugin for working with Mix projects and Elixir files.

Some functionality, like text objects, depend on elixir.vim.


Text objects

  • ad/id - Any macro with a do block. Works on user-defined macros as
    well as keyword syntax.
  • aD - Like ad but include any assignment and/or attached comments (iD
    exists for convenience but is identical to id).
  • af/if - A function/macro definition
  • aF - Like af but include all heads, docs, annotations, attr and
    slot declarations, and even matching do_-prefixed heads (iF exists
    for convenience but is identical to if).
  • iS/aS- A sigil
  • im/am- A map or struct
  • iM/aM- A module
  • ic/ac- A comment or documentation


  • 'commentstring' is dynamically set in embedded HEEx/Surface.
  • matchit works in
    embedded HEEx/Surface templates.
  • Automatically sets :compiler if the appropriate plugin is found.
  • [experimental] Remaps ctrl-] in templates that will jump to a phx-hook
    definition (it's pretty smart about it) or event handlers on other phx-
    attributes. Unfortunately this has a dependency on git-grep atm.


  • :Mix runs a mix command with autocomplete.
    • Uses dispatch, neomake,
      asyncrun, or asyncdo
      if available.
    • :Mix! does whatever the ! version of your async runner does
    • :Mix ! cmd to run via :!--incidentally, :Mix!! also works.
  • :Deps doesn't just wrap Mix deps but adds functionality like dynamically adding
    packages under your cursor (:Deps add floki, for example) or jumping to your deps
    function no matter what you've called it (:Deps with no args).
  • :Gen is a unified command for running gen tasks (with autocomplete!), eg:
    • :Gen migration add_name_to_users
    • :Gen live Accounts User users name:string age:integer
  • :IEx starts a :term window running iex.
    • Within a mix project -S mix is the default; use :IEx! to get a plain session.
    • Give a range or in visual mode, load the selected lines into a new :term
      session. This "connects" the two, updating the terminal with any changes
      to the selected region.

See :help mixer for more details!

Recommended Plugins

  • closetag

    Auto-close HTML tags. Mixer is aware of this plugin and will extend g:closetag_regions for you so it will work with your cursor inside ~H or ~F. Due to the way closetag is implemented, you must configure the appropriate filetypes on your own.

  • splitjoin.vim

    Among other things, it lets you pipe and unpipe args.

  • endwise.vim

    Auto-adds end after hitting <cr> in insert mode (or just use copilot, I guess).


Distributed under the same terms as Vim itself. See :help license.