
An Elixir library for using SQL.

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Yesql is an Elixir library for using SQL.


You're writing Elixir You need to write some SQL.

One option is to use Ecto, which provides a sophisticated DSL for generating database queries at runtime. This can be convenient for simple use, but its abstraction only works with the simplest and common database features. Because of this either the abstraction breaks down and we start passing raw strings to Repo.query and fragment, or we will neglect these database features altogether.

So what's the solution? Keep the SQL as SQL. Have one file with your query:

FROM users
WHERE country_code = :country_code

...and then read that file to turn it into a regular Elixir function at compile time:

defmodule Query do
  use Yesql, driver: Postgrex, conn: MyApp.ConnectionPool


# A function with the name `users_by_country/1` has been created.
# Let's use it:
iex> Query.users_by_country(country_code: "gbr")
{:ok, [%{name: "Louis", country_code: "gbr"}]}

By keeping the SQL and Elixir separate you get:

  • No syntactic surprises. Your database doesn't stick to the SQL
    standard - none of them do - but Yesql doesn't care. You will
    never spend time hunting for "the equivalent Ecto syntax". You will
    never need to fall back to a fragment("some('funky'::SYNTAX)") function.
  • Better editor support. Your editor probably already has great SQL
    support. By keeping the SQL as SQL, you get to use it.
  • Team interoperability. DBAs and developers less familiar with Ecto can
    read and write the SQL you use in your Elixir project.
  • Easier performance tuning. Need to EXPLAIN that query plan? It's
    much easier when your query is ordinary SQL.
  • Query reuse. Drop the same SQL files into other projects, because
    they're just plain ol' SQL. Share them as a submodule.
  • Simplicity. This is a very small library, it is easier to understand
    and review than Ecto and similar.

When Should I Not Use Yesql?

When you need your SQL to work with many different kinds of database at once. If you want one complex query to be transparently translated into different dialects for MySQL, Oracle, Postgres etc., then you genuinely do need an abstraction layer on top of SQL.


We've talked about Ecto, but how does Yesql compare to $OTHER_LIBRARY?


eql is an Erlang library with similar inspiration and goals.

  • eql offers no solution for query execution, the library user has to
    implement this. Yesql offers a friendly API.
  • Being an Erlang library eql has to compile the queries at runtime, Yesql
    does this at compile time so you don't need to write initialisation code and
    store your queries somewhere.
  • eql requires the neotoma PEG compiler plugin, Yesql only uses the Elixir
    standard library.
  • Yesql uses prepared statements so query parameters are sanitised and are
    only valid in positions that your database will accept parameters. eql
    functions more like a templating tool so parameters can be used in any
    position and sanitisation is left up to the user.
  • A subjective point, but I believe the Yesql's implementation is simpler than
    eql's, while offering more features.


ayesql is another Elixir library, a bit more powerful than yesql:

yesql will keep your SQL queries closer to canonical SQL, but if you start finding it limiting or convoluted maybe it would be a good time to check out more powerful abstractions like ayesql or Ecto.

Development & Testing

createdb yesql_test
mix deps.get
mix test

Other Languages

Yesql rips off is inspired by Kris Jenkins' Clojure Yesql. Similar libraries can be found for many languages:

Language Project
C# JaSql
Clojure YeSPARQL
Clojure Yesql
Elixir ayesql
Erlang eql
Go DotSql
Go goyesql
JavaScript Preql
JavaScript sqlt
Python Anosql
Ruby yayql


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