
A package for making 3D games and apps in Elm

OTHER License



A package for making 3D games and apps in Elm

Local installation

elm install ryan-haskell/elm-3d

Quick example

import Elm3d.Camera exposing (Camera)
import Elm3d.Frame exposing (Frame)
import Elm3d.Node exposing (Node)
import Elm3d.Program exposing (Program, View)
import Elm3d.Viewport

main : Program () Model Msg
main =
        { init = init
        , update = update
        , view = view


type alias Model =
    { angle : Float

init : Model
init =
    { angle = 0


type Msg
    = Spin Frame

update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model =
    case msg of
        Spin frame ->
            { model | angle = model.angle + frame.dt }


view : Model -> View Msg
view model =
    { viewport = Elm3d.Viewport.fullscreen
    , background = Elm3d.Color.white
    , camera =
            { fov = 60
            , range = ( 1, 100 )
            |> Elm3d.Camera.withPositionZ 5
    , nodes =
        [ buildings model

buildings : Model -> Node Msg
buildings model =
        [ tavern
        , church
        |> Elm3d.Node.withOnFrame Spin
        |> Elm3d.Node.withRotationY model.angle

tavern : Node Msg
tavern =
    Elm3d.Node.obj { url = "/assets/tavern.obj" }
        |> Elm3d.Node.withPositionX 1

church : Node Msg
church =
    Elm3d.Node.obj { url = "/assets/church.obj" }
        |> Elm3d.Node.withPositionX -1

You can view more examples here using elm reactor.


This package was originally created from code for use on my website. Rather than keeping that code private, I extracted out and documented the parts that I thought would be helpful for others creating 3D things in Elm.

I encourage you to use this package to create your own 3D programs. Please feel welcome to modify my open source code if there are any features you would like to add.

Although my code is free to take, and the package is free to use, it does not come with any promise for future maintenance. This is a tiny gift from me to the Elm community, and there are many other cool Elm things I want to spend my time on after sharing it.

I would love to see support for lighting, GLTF imports, physics, raycasting, and much more. My initial goal for this package was making it the easiest way for folks to quickly create 3D games and experiences with Elm.

If you are personally interested in driving any fraction of that vision forward, I'm happy to chat about those designs and features. Please reach out to me on the Elm Slack (@ryan) and we can make it happen!