
Brunch plugin to compile Elm code

MIT License



Brunch plugin to compile Elm code


First, install Elm.

Then, install elm-brunch:

npm install --save-dev elm-brunch

Update the watched configuration in your brunch-config.js, e.g.:

paths: {
  watched: ["css", "js", "elm"]


  // Configure your plugins in brunch-config.js (or .coffee)
    plugins: {

      elmBrunch: {
        // (required) Set to the elm file(s) containing your "main" function `elm make`
        //            handles all elm dependencies relative to `elmFolder`
        mainModules: ['source/path/YourMainModule.elm'],

        // (optional) Set to keep an independent elm-stuff folder per mainModule. If
        //            mainModules is an array, then the 'source/path' of each mainModule
        //            will be appended to your elm-folder, allowing each subfolder to keep their
        //            own set of elm dependencies.
        independentModules: true,

        // (optional) Set to path where `elm-make` is located, relative to `elmFolder`
        executablePath: '../../node_modules/elm/binwrappers',

        // (optional) Set to path where elm-package.json is located, defaults to project root
        //            if your elm files are not in /app then make sure to configure
        //            paths.watched in main brunch config
        elmFolder: 'path/to/elm-files',

        // (optional) Defaults to 'js/' folder in paths.public
        // relative to `elmFolder`
        outputFolder: 'some/path/',

        // (optional) If specified, all mainModules will be compiled to a single file
        //            This is merged with outputFolder.
        outputFile: 'elm.js',

        // (optional) add some parameters that are passed to elm-make
        makeParameters: ['--warn'],

        // (optional) Change the command that the compiler is ran with.
        //            Set to `elm-make` for backwards compatibility
        elmMake: "elm-make",

        // (optional) Add `--optimize` to compile for production
        //            Note: you cannot use this option and `--debug` in makeParameters simultaneously
        optimize: true

The output filename is the lowercase version of the main module name:

YourMainModule.elm => outputFolder/yourmainmodule.js

Note: You should update the "source-directories" property in the elm-package.json file if you want to compile multi-file elm projects. Then configure elm-brunch:

Note: this plugin does not pass the generated javascript code to brunch, so you need to either directly include the generated js file in your html or use some other method to bundle it into your final package.


The following repos are examples of elm-brunch configuration: