
Make gRPC-web requests directly from Elm!

BSD-3-CLAUSE License


📡 elm-grpc

elm-grpc allows you to communicate with gRPC using gRPC-web purely from Elm. That means no ports and no libraries that add 300 KB to your bundle size.

It uses the wonderful elm-protocol-buffers library and integrates with fully-generated types from protoc-gen-elm.

⚠️ This library is under very heavy development and currently implements only basic features of gRPC-web.

📥 Installation

elm install rosenbergm/elm-grpc
# If you're not a masochist, install protoc-gen-elm as well to generate all the necessary code.
yarn global add protoc-gen-elm

📋 Usage

  1. Generate Elm types, encoders and decoders from Proto files
protoc --elm_out=. api.proto
  1. Go to the example! The best way to find out how this library works is to see it in action!

🙏 Special thanks

Thanks to @michaljanocko for introducing me to Elm (and FP in general) a few years ago. It changed my whole perspective on writing code.