
Customizable Menu (to be a dependency of elm-autocomplete)

BSD-3-CLAUSE License


Elm Menu

Note: This will be the replacement for elm-autocomplete. Elm Autocomplete should be a drop-in autocomplete for people to use in the 90% case. This menu, that the autocomplete will be built upon, exists for crazier use-cases.


Checkout the landing page inspired by React Autosuggest's page design

Menus have just enough functionality to be tedious to implement again and again. This is a flexible library for handling the needs of many different menus.

Your data is stored separately; keep it in whatever shape makes the most sense for your application.

Make an issue if this library cannot handle your scenario and we'll investigate together if it makes sense in the larger context!

I recommend looking at the examples before diving into the API or source code!

Usage Rules

  • Always put Menu.State in your model.
  • Never put any Config in your model.

Design inspired by elm-sortable-table.

Read about why these usage rules are good rules here.

The API Design Session video w/ Evan Czaplicki (@evancz) that brought us to this API.


elm-package install thebritican/elm-menu


import Menu

type alias Model =
  { autoState = Menu.State -- Own the State of the menu in your model
  , query = String -- Perhaps you want to filter by a string?
  , people = List Person -- The data you want to list and filter

-- Let's filter the data however we want
acceptablePeople : String -> List Person -> List Person
acceptablePeople query people =
      lowerQuery =
          String.toLower query
      List.filter (String.contains lowerQuery << String.toLower << .name) people

-- Set up what will happen with your menu updates
updateConfig : Menu.UpdateConfig Msg Person
updateConfig =
        { toId = .name
        , onKeyDown =
            \code maybeId ->
                if code == 13 then
                    Maybe.map SelectPerson maybeId
        , onTooLow = Nothing
        , onTooHigh = Nothing
        , onMouseEnter = \_ -> Nothing
        , onMouseLeave = \_ -> Nothing
        , onMouseClick = \id -> Just <| SelectPerson id
        , separateSelections = False

type Msg
  = SetMenuState Menu.Msg

update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg { autoState, query, people, howManyToShow } =
  case msg of
    SetMenuState autoMsg ->
        (newState, maybeMsg) =
          Menu.update updateConfig autoMsg howManyToShow autoState (acceptablePeople query people)
        { model | autoState = newState }

-- setup for your menu view
viewConfig : Menu.ViewConfig Msg Person
viewConfig =
    customizedLi keySelected mouseSelected person =
      { attributes = [ classList [ ("menu-item", True), ("is-selected", keySelected || mouseSelected) ] ]
      , children = [ Html.text person.name ]
      { toId = .name
      , ul = [ class "menu-list" ] -- set classes for your list
      , li = customizedLi -- given selection states and a person, create some Html!

-- and let's show it! (See an example for the full code snippet)
view : Model -> Html Msg
view { autoState, query, people } =
  div []
      [ input [ onInput SetQuery ]
      , Html.App.map SetMenuState (Menu.view viewConfig 5 autoState (acceptablePeople query people))