
Composing TEA modules with isolated state

BSD-3-CLAUSE License



This package helps you reduce boilerplate when composing TEA-based (The Elm Architecture) applications using, and Glue is just a thin abstraction over these functions so it's easy to plug it in and out.

This package is highly experimental and might change a lot over time.

Feedback and contributions to both code and documentation are very welcome.

See demo

Important Note!

This package is not necessarily designed for either code splitting or reuse but rather for state separation. State separation might or might not be important for reusing certain parts of application. Not everything is necessarily stateful. For instance many UI parts can be expressed just by using view function to which you pass msg constructors (view : msg -> Model -> Html msg for instance) and let consumer manage its state. On the other hand some things like larger parts of applications or parts containing a lot of self-maintainable stateful logic can benefit from state isolation since it reduces state handling imposed on consumer of that module. Generally it's a good rule of thumb to always choose simpler approach (And using stateless abstraction is usually simpler) - if you aren't sure if you can benefit from extra isolation don't use it. Always try to define as much logic as you can using just simple functions and data. Then you can think about possible state separation in places where too much of it is exposed. First rule is to avoid breaking of single source of truth principle. If you find yourself synchronizing some state from one place to another than that state shouldn't be probably isolated in first place.


This package is a result of my experience with building larger single page application in Elm where some modules live in isolation from others. The goals and features of this package are:

  • Reduce boilerplate in update and init functions.
  • Reduce code flow indirection in gluing between parent and child module.
  • Define gluing logic in consumer module.
  • Enforce common interface in init, update, subscribe and view.
  • Make updates of nested models composable
  • You should read the whole README anyway.


As you would expect...

$ elm install turboMaCk/glue


The best place to start is probably to have a look at examples.

In particular, you can find examples of:


TEA is an awesome way to write UI apps in Elm. However, not every application should be defined just in terms of single Model and Msg. Basic separation of Browser.element is really nice but in some cases these functions as well as Model and Msg types tend to grow pretty quickly in an unmanageable way so you need to start breaking things down.

There are many ways you can go about it. In particular the rest of this document will focus just on separation of concerns. This technique is useful for isolating parts that really don't need to know too much about each other. It reduces scope of things a particular module can operate with so the number of things the programmer has to reason about while adding or changing behaviour is lower. In TEA this is especially touching the Msg and Model types and update functions for managing the state.

It's important to understand that init, update, view and subscriptions are all isolated functions connected via Browser.element. In pure functional programming we're "never" really managing state ourselves but are rather composing functions that takes state as data and produce new version of it (update function in TEA).

Now let's have a look at how we can use, and for concern separation in Elm application. We will nest init, update, subscriptions and view one into another and map them from child's to parent's types. Parent module is then using these units to manage just a subset of its overall state (Model). Here is how Model and Msg types of a parent application might look like:

import SubModule

type alias Model =
    { ...
    , subModuleModel : SubModule.Model
    , ...

type Msg
    = ...
    | SubModuleMsg SubModule.Msg
    | ...

Basically, the parent module only holds the Model of a child module (SubModule) as a single value, and wraps its Msg inside one of its own Msg constructors (SubModuleMsg). Of course, init, update and subscriptions also have to know how to work with this part of Model, and there you need, and For instance, this is how simple delegation of Msg in update might look:

update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model =
    case msg of
        SubModuleMsg subMsg ->
                ( subModel, subCmd ) =
                    SubModule.update subMsg model.subModuleModel
                ( { model | subModuleModel = subModel }, SubModuleMsg subCmd )

As you can see, this is quite neat even though it requires some boiler-plate code to deconstruct the pair and construct new one. One can as well utilize Tuple.mapFirst and Tuple.mapSecond function (bifunctor interface):

update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model =
    case msg of
        SubModuleMsg subMsg ->
            SubModule.update subMsg model.subModuleModel
                |> Tuple.mapFirst (\subModel -> { model | subModel = subModel })
                |> Tuple.mapSecond ( SubModuleMsg)

Let's take a look at view and now:

view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
   Html.div []
       [ ...
       , SubModuleMsg <| SubModule.view model.subModuleModel
       , ...

You can use inside init as well as which is fairly similar to in subscriptions to finish wiring of a child module (SubModule).

And this is as far as pure TEA goes. This may possibly be good fit for your needs, and that's OK. Why might you still want to use this package?

  • It gives you the ability to define mapping updates of modules and Cmd/Sub mapping in single place (DRY).
  • It simplifies the routine code in functions delegating to child modules
  • Enforces common type interface for functions expressed from modules


The most important type that TEA is built around is ( Model, Cmd Msg ). All we're missing is just a tiny abstraction that will make working with this pair easier. This is really the core idea of the whole Glue package.

To simplify gluing of things together, this package introduces the Glue type. This is simply just a name-space for pure functions that defines interface between modules to which you can then refer by single name. Other functions within the Glue package use the Glue.Glue type as proxy to access these functions.

Note that Glue has essentially 2 parts. The first one is simple Lens for model updates. The second is writer of effects (Cmds, Subscriptions).

Gluing independent TEA App

This is how we can construct the Glue type for counter example:

import Glue exposing (Glue)
import Counter

counter : Glue Model Counter.Model Msg Counter.Msg
counter =
        { msg = CounterMsg
        , get = .counterModel
        , set = \subModel model -> { model | counterModel = subModel }

All mappings from one type to another (Model and Msg of parent/child) will happen as defined in this type. Definition of this interface depends on API of child module (Counter in this case).

With Glue defined, we can go and integrate it to rest of the logic. Based on the Glue type definition, we know we're expecting Model and Msg to be (at least) as following:

type alias Model =
    { counterModel : Counter.Model }

type Msg
    = CounterMsg Counter.Msg

Now we can define init, update and view functions:

init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
    ( Model, Cmd.none )
        |> Glue.init counter Counter.init

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
    case msg of
        CounterMsg counterMsg ->
            ( model, Cmd.none )
                |> Glue.update counter Counter.update counterMsg

view : Model -> Html Msg
view =
    Glue.view counter Counter.view

As you can see we're using just Glue.init, Glue.update and Glue.view in these functions to wire child module. Also compared to the original TEA example we can easily update parent Model an generate additional parent Cmd as well.

This version of counter is using Browser.element type of interface as opposed to Browser.sandbox. It is possible to use Glue with sandbox type of interface. See the counter example and the Glue.simple constructor.

Wrap Polymorphic Module

We're going to be using term "polymorphic" just because of the lack of better name. What we really mean is a module which already translates its inner Msg to some a by function provided from parent module.

Such module can also be generating parent messages using function passed into its functions making it possible to (asynchronously) notify parent module about certain events.

To make the Counter example "polymorphic" we start by adding one extra argument to its view function and use internally. Then we need to change type annotation of init and update to Cmd msg. Since both function are using just Cmd.none we don't need to change anything else but that.

init : ( Model, Cmd msg )

update : msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd msg )

view : (Msg -> msg) -> Model -> Html msg
view toMsg model = toMsg <|
        Html.div []
            [ Html.button [ Html.Events.onClick Decrement ] [ Html.text "-" ]
            , Html.text <| toString model
            , Html.button [ Html.Events.onClick Increment ] [ Html.text "+" ]

As you can see view is now taking an extra argument - function from Msg to parent's msg. In practice it's usually good to use record with functions called Config msg which will be much more extensible.

Now we need to change Glue type definition in parent module to reflect the new API of Counter:

counter : Glue Model Counter.Model Msg Msg
counter =
        { get = .counterModel
        , set = \subModel model -> { model | counterModel = subModel }

As you can see, we've switched from Glue.glue function to Glue.poly. Also the type signature now contains Msg twice as the type produced by the child module is the Msg of parent module. In fact Glue.poly is just a constructor that defines msg as identity.

We also need to change parent's view since its API has changed and we need to pass an extra argument now:

view : Model -> Html Msg
view =
    Glue.view counter (Counter.view CounterMsg)

Child-parent Communication

If your module is polymorphic it can easily send Cmds to its parent. Please check cmd-extra package which helps you construct Cmd Msg from Msg.

It's important to understand that this might not be the best technique for managing all communication between parent and child. You can always expose Msg constructor from child (exposing (Msg(..))) and pattern-match on it in parent. If you need to do such a thing you might have made a design mistake (improper separation of state). Do these states really need to be separated? In most cases communicating with parent in async fashion makes it easier to reason about data flow in the app but there is no silver bullet. You know the best what best applies for your case.

Using Cmd for communication with parent module works like this:

    |                                    |
    v                                    |
+-----------------------------------+    |
|                                   |    |
| Parent Module                     |    |
|                                   |    +
|   +                               |  Cmd Msg
|   |                               |    |
|  Model                            |    |
|   |                               |    |
|   |   +------------------------+  |    |
|   |   |                        |  |    |
|   |   | Child Module           |  |    |
|   |   |                        |  |    |
|   +-> |                        +-------+
|       +------------------------+  |
|                                   |

As an example, we can use the (polymorphic) Counter.elm again. Let's say we want to send some action to the parent whenever its model (count) changes.

For this we need to define a helper function in Counter.elm:

-- this uses `GlobalWebIndex/cmd-extra`
import Cmd.Extra

notify : (Int -> msg) -> Int -> Cmd msg
notify toMsg count =
    Cmd.Extra.perform <| toMsg count

notify takes the parent's Msg constructor that is expecting integer as an argument and performs it as Cmd.

Now we need to change init and update so they're emitting this new Cmd. The simplest way is just to make them both accept a msg constructor.

init : (Int -> msg) -> ( Model, Cmd msg )
init toMsg =
        model =
    ( 0, notify toMsg model )

update : (Int -> msg) -> Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd msg )
update toParentMsg msg model =
        newModel =
            case msg of
                Increment ->
                    model + 1

                Decrement ->
                    model - 1
        ( newModel, notify toParentMsg newModel )

Now both init and update should send Cmd after Model is updated. This is a breaking change to Counter's API (an extra argument) so we need to change its integration as well. But since we want to actually use this message and do something with it let's first update the parent's Model and Msg:

type alias Model =
    { max : Int
    , counter : Counter.Model

type Msg
    = CounterMsg Counter.Msg
    | CountChanged Int

Because we've changed Model (added max : Int) we should change init and probably render max value in view of parent as well:

init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
    ( Model 0, Cmd.none )
        |> Glue.init counter Counter.init

view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
    Html.div []
        [ Glue.view counter (Counter.view CounterMsg) model
        , Html.text <| "Max historic value: " ++ toString model.max

This completes the changes to Model. Now we need to change update update function so it can handle the CountChanged message.

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
    case msg of
        CounterMsg counterMsg ->
            ( model , Cmd.none )
                |> Glue.update counter (Counter.update CountChanged) counterMsg

        CountChanged num ->
            if num > model.max then
                ( { model | max = num }, Cmd.none )
                ( model, Cmd.none )

As you can see we're setting max to received int if it's greater than the current value.

See this complete example to learn more.



Copyright 2017-2019 Marek Fajkus