
Smart REPL (or REVL) for Elm v0.18


I, Elm.

iElm — In action, video @ vimeo.

First run

Install Elm globally using npm install -g elm.

Then istall iElm and node-simplehttpserve: npm install -g ielm node-simplehttpserver;

Run ielm and then open http://localhost:8080 in your browser.

Try entering code from examples.

To compile, press Shift+Enter (Keystrokes could be changed or added in next versions).

You may use the local install as well, then run node ./node_modules/ielm/cli.js from your project directory.

If you have a copy of iElm from Github or elsewhere, you may provide a path to its directory with path=/path/to/ielm.

Clean run

You may run npm run clean-start to force cleaning elm-stuff in the ouput directory and re-installing even those Elm packages which were already installed.

Adding a package

Just install additional package to your project, as you usually do it with elm-package install.


The commands described above start the simplehttpserver to host the compiled ielm.js, so if you want to do some development, you need to start webpack-dev-server instead — so just go to the package directory and do npm run dev-start.

Adding local flag as a parameter allows you to start everything from the local directory instead of some external project. It is appended to npm run dev-start by default.

Building ielm.js

Just execute npm run build in a package directory.


  • npm start is the same as doing node ./cli run.
  • npm run clean-start is the same as doing node ./cli clean-run.
  • npm run dev-start is the same as doing node ./cli dev-run local.
  • npm run clean-dev-start is the same as doing node ./cli clean-dev-run local.
  • npm run build is the same as doing node ./cli build.


  • Chunk is a callable line of Elm code, an expression; it is not allowed to define such expressions on the top level (i.e. w/o indentation) in a common Elm file, but in case of IElm — it is the only way to actually evaluate this expression;
  • Screen combines two concepts in one: a block of code with Elm-style imports, Elm-style definitions and "Chunks", and preview of this code, where all these chunks are evaluated and could be observed and controlled;
  • Cell is the result of single Chunk evaluation, i.e. the result of the expression;