

Huge thanks to Richard Feldman and his Elm Workshop repository (, which is the basis of this workshop. I've merely tweaked somethings to suit my presentation style :)

Getting Started


  1. Install Node.js 8. You'll also need npm or yarn installed. The process of installing Node will give you npm also, so if you've got Node installed you should be all good :)

  2. Add a plugin for your editor of choice: Atom, Sublime Text, VS Code, Light Table, Vim, Emacs, Brackets

  3. Not required, but highly recommended: enable "elm-format on save" in your editor.

  4. Run the following command to install Elm, Elm Format and Elm Test:

npm install -g elm elm-test elm-format@exp

Note to macOS users: If step 4 gives you an EACCESS error, try this fix:

sudo chown -R $(whoami) $(npm config get prefix)/{lib/node_modules,bin,share}

Then re-run step 4.

Clone this repository

Run this at the terminal:

git clone
cd introduction-to-elm-workshop

You can then run the setup command to get everything up and running:

npm run setup
# OR:
yarn run setup

On Windows

To run an exercise:

npx elm-live --open exercise1/Main.elm --output=elm.js

Workshop slides

Don't read these on the day! They are here for you to refer to them after the event: