
Lazy rose tree (multiway tree) with zipper. In Elm

BSD-3-CLAUSE License


Lazy Tree with Zipper

This is pure Elm rose tree with zipper implementation. In the context of Elm, this data structure is mostly useful for building hierarchical interfaces like menus, data browsers or filters.

Main features of this library are things like easy building tree structure from flat Lists with very good performance characteristics, powerful and extensible zipper and feature-rich API.


Tree is using custom List like implementation (LList) to enable lazy level after level evaluation of tree. In fact LList is just a function that constructs plain old List. This approach is the main performance optimization used in this library.

There is another library implementing same idea in slightly different way tomjkidd/elm-multiway-tree-zipper. The main difference is that elm-multiway-tree-zipper implementation is strict so the whole Tree is immediately evaluated. Implementation provided by this package is optimized for situations in which it isn't necessary to construct the whole structure immediately. In situations where Tree is expanded level by level this implementation yields much better performance than strict implementation, especially for large trees. You can find basic comparison in performance.

Feedback and contributions to both code and documentation are very welcome.


To install this package run:

$ elm install turboMaCk/lazy-tree-with-zipper

This is an example application that renders levels of items as nested tree with toggling between open and closed state in every level:

module Main exposing (main)

import Browser
import Html exposing (Html)
import Html.Events as Events
import Lazy.Tree as Tree exposing (Tree(..))
import Lazy.Tree.Zipper as Zipper exposing (Zipper)

main : Program () Model Msg
main =
        { init = init
        , update = update
        , view = view

-- Model

type alias Item =
    { id : Int
    , name : String
    , parent : Maybe Int

items : List Item
items =
    [ { id = 1, name = "Foo", parent = Nothing }
    , { id = 2, name = "Bar", parent = Nothing }
    , { id = 3, name = "Baz", parent = Nothing }
    , { id = 4, name = "Foobar", parent = Just 1 }
    , { id = 5, name = "Bar child", parent = Just 2 }
    , { id = 6, name = "Foobar child", parent = Just 4 }

{-| Zipper of pair where first value means `isOpen` and second contain Item details.
type alias Model =
    Zipper ( Bool, Item )

init : Model
init =
        root =
            { id = -1, name = "root", parent = Nothing }
    in (\b -> ( False, b )) items
        |> Tree.fromList (\p ( _, i ) -> (.id << Tuple.second) p == i.parent)
        |> Tree ( False, root )
        |> Zipper.fromTree

-- Update

type Msg
    = Toggle (Zipper ( Bool, Item ))

update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update (Toggle zipper) _ =
    Zipper.updateItem (\( s, i ) -> ( not s, i )) zipper

-- View

view : Model -> Html Msg
view zipper =
    Html.ul [] [ viewLevel (Zipper.root zipper) ]

viewLevel : Zipper ( Bool, Item ) -> Html Msg
viewLevel zipper =
        ( isOpen, item ) =
            Zipper.current zipper
    in []
        [ Html.a [ Events.onClick <| Toggle zipper ]
            [ if not (Zipper.isEmpty zipper) then
                Html.span []
                    [ if isOpen then
                        Html.text "- "

                        Html.text "+ "

                Html.text ""
            , Html.text
        , Html.ul [] <|
            if isOpen then
                Zipper.openAll zipper
                    |> viewLevel



I've spent about a year experimenting with different ideas of Rose Tree implementation optimized for needs of building UIs for recursive data. The biggest problem turned out to be performance. Usually, data for web applications are coming from a server which uses SQL database as storage. API usually then renders flat JSON or any other data format which uses references to describe recursive relationships. Therefore one of the main features that are needed is an efficient and easy way to build tree from a list of data. This usually results in quadratic complexity. Since one item might be a child of multiple other things there has to be at least one iteration over the whole list of data. Also by definition using such data for building rose tree might result in infinitely deep resulting tree.

Those are the things I've experimented with over time:

  • Strict based (Tree a (List a)) - not that great performance but OK until you hit too much recursion.
  • Lazy List based implementation (Tree a (LazyList a)) - runs into too much recursion even on simpler data.
  • Continuation Passing / CPS - very slow (hitting scripts runs for too long) - might have been an issue with a particular algorithm.
  • Lazy List construction - this is what this package is using - very best performance.


This package is released under BSD-3-Clause license. See LICENSE file for more info.