
MIT License



Github hosted version

You can access a build of this projet at

Run locally

To run the projet locally in your browser you first need to build it:

npm i         # Installs dependencies
npm run build # Builds project

You can then open the dist/index.html file in your favorite web browser for example:

firefox dist/index.html

Usefull commands to hack on the project

npm i                     # Install dependencies
npm run serve             # Builds the project and run on http://localhost:1234
npm run test              # Runs tests
npm run e2e               # Runs end to end tests (requires that the project runs with npm run serve)
npm run cypress           # Opens cypress e2e tests
npm run bench             # Builds the benchmarks to the bench.html file (open it in a browser to run the benchs)
npm run amg-test "<file>" # Tries to decode and reencode the given file then compares the output to the original


Spec of the file format to generate: