
Full-stack web app, built in a typesafe functional way, where servant-to-elm generates types, decoders/encoders, and fetching functions from Haskell types and Servant endpoint definition to Elm.๐Ÿค˜๐Ÿป



This example is a full-stack web application, built in a typesafe functional way.

What's cool here is that servant-to-elm does the job of generating types and decoders/encoders from Haskell types and Servant definition to Elm, which not only catches regressions in the compile-time but also provides ready (and highly configurable) Elm functions to fetch necessary data from the server.


  • Install Stack and Elm
  • Run code generation
    cd backend && stack run codegen
  • Install frontend dependencies
    cd frontend && npm i

Set up editor (optional)

  • If you are using VSCode and you want to open both frontend and backend as a single workspace, use File > Open Workspace and choose servant-to-elm-example.code-workspace. In this scenario, VSCode will work correctly with both languages simultaneously. Also, the editor may recommend extensions, and installing them is a wise choice.


  • Start the server on port 8000:
    cd backend && stack run server
  • Run frontend in dev mode
    cd frontend && npm start
  • Open http://localhost:8080

Domain model: Library

  • A book can have exactly 1 author
  • An author can have zero to many books
  • Book title must be unique per author
  • The author's name must be unique

This example does demonstrate:

  • How to fetch data and handle errors and "loading" state
  • How to post a new entity related to another, either new or existing one (submit a book with a new or existing author)

This example does not demonstrate:

  • User input validation parsing best practices
  • Client-side routing best practices
  • Debouncing user input
  • Client-side validation before submitting a form
  • Subscriptions via WebSockets (which could be implemented, but they are related more to Servant or Elm, rather than to code-generation)

Other choices

  • New entries that are in relation are submitted together and inserted transactionally.
  • Search is case-insensitive

Technical notes

  • This app was not tested on Windows systems yet. While is not a showcase of cross-platform compatibility, you can still open an issue or PR if something does not work as expected.

Adding new types

  • in backend/src/DomainModel.hs:
    • Define the type
    • Derive necessary instances, also specify Elm module name and Elm type (it's better to keep type name the same, but it's convenient to use one module for several coupled types - see Book, NewBook, and NewBookAuthor types and corresponding generated Elm module)
    • Add the type to typeDefinitions list - jsonDefinitions @YourNewType
  • Use your type in backend/src/Server.hs or wherever it's intended to
  • Run code-generation again

Design choices and alternatives

  • An obsolete generated Elm code can be removed before writing the new ones. Subdirectories that must be deleted are listed in backend/src/Codegen.hs. In this example, only the frontend/src/Api directory is removed before writing new files.
  • One of the alternatives to this approach is GraphQL, and there is a Haskell/Elm full-stack GraphQL example app. This example app was shamelessly inspired by that example.