
Scripts to hit the ground running with Emacs, org-mode, and ESS for Reproducible Science on your Linux distribution

CC-BY-4.0 License


#+TITLE: Deploy Emacs, Org, and ESS #+AUTHOR: Pedro Bruel #+STARTUP: overview indent


[[][]] [[][]] [[][]] [[][]]

Use the Emacs configuration files in this repository to deploy Emacs, org, and ESS in your system. Tested in different Linux distributions using Docker.

  • [[#quickstart][Quickstart]]
  • [[#install-script-and-docker][Install Script and Docker]]
  • [[#contributing][Contributing]]
  • [[#linux-distributions-we-wish-to-support][Linux Distributions we Wish to Support]]
  • Quickstart
    To install this configuration in your system directly, backup your init.el
    , then run:

#+begin_SRC bash :results output :session Shell :eval no-export :exports code git clone cd deploy-org sudo ./install/ -i ./install/ -e -t #+end_SRC

You should check the Emacs and org versions, and you should see a =PDF file produced.= message, indicating that org succesfully compiled the test file =org/journal/ to =pdf=. Tests are implemented in the =install/ script.

The =install/ script will attempt to identify your system and run the correct shell script for it. If it fails for your system, please [[][submit an issue]].

  • Install Script and Docker
    The script's options are:

#+begin_SRC bash :results output :session Shell :eval no-export :exports both ./install/ -h #+end_SRC

#+RESULTS: : Usage: ./install/ [OPTION] : -i, --install Install dependencies (requires sudo privileges) : -e, --emacs Copy "init.el" to user home [/home/phrb/.emacs.d/] : -t, --test Test user configuration [/home/phrb/.emacs.d/init.el] : -h, --help Print this message

You can check the status on your machine of each supported system using Docker. To check the status for Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS, for example, run:

#+begin_SRC bash :results output :session Shell :eval no-export :exports code cd docker/ubuntu_20042_lts sudo docker build . #+end_SRC

  • Contributing
    To contribute, please fork the repository, create a new branch with your
    changes, and submit a pull request to the =main= branch.

** Adding Support for a New Distribution First, check the values of the =NAME=, =VERSION=, and =PRETTY_NAME= listed on the =/etc/os-release= file of the distribution you want to add support to:

#+begin_SRC bash :results output :session Shell :eval no-export :exports code OS_NAME=$(cat /etc/os-release | grep "^NAME=" | cut -d= -f2 | cut -d'"' -f2) OS_VERSION=$(cat /etc/os-release | grep "^VERSION=" | cut -d= -f2 | cut -d'"' -f2) OS_PRETTY=$(cat /etc/os-release | grep "^PRETTY_NAME=" | cut -d= -f2 | cut -d'"' -f2)

echo "[$OS_NAME] [$OS_VERSION] [$OS_PRETTY]" #+end_SRC

Add these variables to the =case= structure in the [[][check_os_eval]] function in the [[][]] script. Use the =PRETTY_NAME=, or any other variable in =/etc/os-release=, only if =VERSION= is empty. This way, the script can launch the proper function in a user's system.

Write a function with the configuration for the target distribution. If it's a Debian- or Ubuntu-based system, chances are the Ubuntu functions in [[][]] will just work. For example, these are the functions for Ubuntu 21.04, Debian 10.9, and Debian 11:

#+begin_SRC bash :results output :session Shell :eval no-export :exports code function ubuntu_2104() { ubuntu_20042_lts }

function debian_109() { ubuntu_20042_lts }

function debian_11() { ubuntu_20042_lts } #+end_SRC

Add your function call to the =case= structure.

Now, write a =Dockerfile= for your distribution and a corresponding GitHub action. Use the examples in the [[][docker]] and [[][workflows]] directories as starting points.

Make sure that the tests for your distribution pass, and that your changes don't break support for any other distribution.

Finally, submit a pull request with the [[][Support New Distribution]] template.

** Updating Make your changes to, tangle blocks to =init.el= with =C-c C-v C-t=, and make sure that your changes don't break support for all distributions.

Finally, submit a pull request with the [[][Update]] template.

  • Linux Distributions we Wish to Support
    Didn't see yours, or one you want?
    an issue]]!
  • Mint
  • Fedora
  • NixOS
  • Guix
  • Kubuntu
  • Older Ubuntu versions
  • Manjaro
  • Arch