
Self-contained Emacs.app builds for macOS, with native-compilation support.



  • Self-contained Emacs.app application bundle, with no external dependencies.
  • Native compilation (gccemacs), only in Emacs 28.x and later builds.
  • Native JSON parsing via libjansson.
  • SVG rendering via librsvg.
  • Various image formats are supported via macOS native image APIs.
  • Xwidget-webkit support is enabled, allowing access to a embedded WebKit-based
    browser with M-x xwidget-webkit-browse-url.
  • Native XML parsing via libxml2.
  • Dynamic module loading.
  • Includes the fix-window-role, system-appearance, and
    round-undecorated-frame patches from the excellent emacs-plus project.
  • Emacs source is fetched from the emacs-mirror/emacs GitHub repository.
  • Build creation is transparent and public through the use of GitHub Actions,
    allowing anyone to inspect git commit SHAs, full source code, and exact
    commands used to produce a build.
  • Emacs.app is signed with a developer certificate and notarized by Apple.
  • Uses build-emacs-for-macos to build the self-contained application bundle.

System Requirements

  • macOS 13 Ventura or later for Apple Silicon builds.
  • macOS 12 Monterey or later for Intel builds, which can run on Apple Silicon
    via Rosetta2.
  • Xcode Command Line Tools to use native compilation in Emacs, available since


Manual Download

See the Releases page to download latest builds, or here for the latest stable release.

Nightly builds of Emacs are for the most part just fine, but if you don't like living too close to the edge, see issue #7 Known Good Nightly Builds for a list of recent nightly builds which have been actively used by a living being for at least a day or two without any obvious issues.

Homebrew Cask

  1. Install the
    Homebrew tap:
    brew tap jimeh/emacs-builds
  2. Install one of the available casks:
    • emacs-app — Latest stable release of Emacs.
      brew install --cask emacs-app
    • emacs-app-pretest — Latest pretest build of Emacs.
      brew install --cask emacs-app-pretest
    • emacs-app-nightly — Build of Emacs from the master branch, updated
      every night.
      brew install --cask emacs-app-nightly
    • emacs-app-monthly — Build of Emacs from the master branch, updated on
      the 1st of each month. These includes native Apple Silicon support.
      brew install --cask emacs-app-monthly
    • emacs-app-good for the latest known good nightly build listed on #7:
      brew install --cask emacs-app-good

Apple Silicon

Native builds for Apple Silicon is supported, but currently GitHub's M1-based Actions Runners are prohibitively expensive for nightly builds. Intel builds though do work on Apple Silicon machines via Rosetta2, with a minor performance impact.

Due to the costs, Apple Silicon builds are for now only scheduled for the 1st of each month. The emacs-app-monthly Homebrew Cask will always be pointing at a release that includes Intel and Apple Silicon builds.

Builds for stable releases of Emacs will also include both Intel and Apple Silicon builds.


At time of writing (2023-11-21), an average Apple Silicon build uses around 17 minutes of billable time, at a cost of $0.16 USD per minute, that comes out to around $2.72 per build. I am considering enabling sponsorship on this repository in an effort to cover the costs for more frequent Apple Silicon builds, and will update here if/when I have any news.

Use Emacs.app as emacs CLI Tool

Installed via Homebrew Cask

The cask installation method sets up CLI usage automatically by exposing a emacs command. However it will launch Emacs into GUI mode. To instead have emacs in your terminal open a terminal instance of Emacs, add the following alias to your shell setup:

alias emacs="emacs -nw"

Installed Manually

Builds come with a custom emacs shell script launcher for use from the command line, located next to emacsclient in Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/bin.

The custom emacs script makes sure to use the main Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/Emacs executable from the correct path, ensuring it finds all the relevant dependencies within the Emacs.app bundle, regardless of if it's exposed via PATH or symlinked from elsewhere.

To use it, simply add Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/bin to your PATH. For example, if you place Emacs.app in /Applications:

if [ -d "/Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/bin" ]; then
  export PATH="/Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/bin:$PATH"
  alias emacs="emacs -nw" # Always launch "emacs" in terminal mode.

If you want emacs in your terminal to launch a GUI instance of Emacs, don't use the alias from the above example.

Build Process

Building Emacs is done using the jimeh/build-emacs-for-macos build script, executed within a GitHub Actions workflow. This is why macOS 11.x (Big Sur) or later is required, as it's the oldest version of macOS available in GitHub Actions.

Full history for all builds is available on GitHub Actions here. Build logs are only retained by GitHub for 90 days though.

Nightly builds are scheduled for 23:00 UTC every night, based on the latest commit from the master branch of the emacs-mirror/emacs repository. This means a nightly build will only be produced if there have been new commits since the last nightly build.

Application Signing / Trust

As of June 21st, 2021, all builds are fully signed and notarized. The signing certificate used is: Developer ID Application: Jim Myhrberg (5HX66GF82Z)

To verify the application signature and notarization, you can use spctl:

$ spctl -vvv --assess --type exec /Applications/Emacs.app
/Applications/Emacs.app: accepted
source=Notarized Developer ID
origin=Developer ID Application: Jim Myhrberg (5HX66GF82Z)

All builds also come with a SHA256 checksum file, which itself can be double checked against the SHA256 checksum log output from the packaging step of the GitHub Actions workflow run which produced the build.

Issues / To-Do

Please see Issues for details of things to come, or to report issues.

News / Recent Changes

2023-11-22 — Apple Silicon builds, drop macOS 11 support

Apple Silicon builds are now available, but limited to stable releases, and nightly builds on the 1st of each month due to the cost of using M1-based runners on GitHub Actions. Apple Silicon builds also require macOS 13 Ventura, as that is the oldest macOS version available on M1-based runners.

Additionally, Intel builds minimum required macOS version has been increased from macOS 11 Big Sur, to macOS 12 Monterey. This was needed as Homebrew no longer supports Big Sur, leading to very lengthy and error prone builds as all Homebrew dependencies had to be installed from source.

If dropping support for macOS 11 turns out to be a big issue, it may be possible to offer macOS 11 compatible builds on a less frequent schedule similar to what we're doing with Apple Silicon.