
Plugins for Emacs Evil.


= evil-plugin by tarao

Plugins for Evil ( http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/Evil ).

== evil-ex-registers.el

=== Usage

(require 'evil-ex-registers) (define-key evil-ex-completion-map (kbd "C-r") #'evil-ex-paste-from-register)

It provides special registers for ex mode.

== evil-little-word.el

=== Usage

(require 'evil-little-word)

It provides little-word motion commands and text objects with default key bindings listed below. The little-word motion commands are similar to those in {camelcasemotion.vim}[http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1905]. The motions stop at upcase letters just after a lowercase letter and at underscores ('_'). Unlike camelcasemotion.vim, little-word motions are sensitive to non-ascii uppercase/lowercase letters as long as Emacs knows which character is uppercase or not. See https://lists.ourproject.org/pipermail/implementations-list/2012-June/001604.html for further design details.

=== Commands

glw:: evil-forward-little-word-begin glb:: evil-backward-little-word-begin glW:: evil-forward-little-word-end glB:: evil-backward-little-word-end

=== Text objects

lw:: evil-a-little-word lw:: evil-inner-little-word

== evil-mode-line.el

=== Usage

(require 'evil-mode-line)

It gives a state indicator at the beginning of the mode line and changes the mode line color for each state.

=== Dependencies

=== Customization

==== evil-mode-line-color

An associative list which specifies correspondence between Evil states and colors. The key of the associative list must be a symbol of an Evil state (such as normal, insert, etc.) and the value of the associative list must be a string of a color (such as "SteelBlue4", "#575735", etc.).

==== evil-normal-state-msg

A string shown at the mode line as a state indicator of normal state.

==== evil-insert-state-msg

A string shown at the mode line as a state indicator of insert state.

==== evil-replace-state-msg

A string shown at the mode line as a state indicator of replace state.

==== evil-emacs-state-msg

A string shown at the mode line as a state indicator of emacs state.

==== evil-visual-state-msg-alist

An associative list which specifies correspondence between Evil visual state types and state indicator strings. The key of the associative list must be a symbol of visual state type (such as normal, line and block) and the value of the associative list must be a string of indicator.

== evil-operator-comment.el

=== Usage

(require 'evil-operator-comment) (global-evil-operator-comment-mode 1)

It provides comment/uncomment operator. You can use it by typing C*, for example, CC for commenting out the line at the cursor, Ciw for commenting out the word at the cursor. The key can be changed by setting custom variable evil-operator-comment-key.

=== Examples

| denotes the cursor position.

Ciw on (foo ba|r) comments out 'bar', and Ci( comments out 'foo bar'.

=== Remarks

The idea is taken from http://relaxedcolumn.blog8.fc2.com/blog-entry-154.html, which is to add comment/uncomment operator to Vim.

== evil-operator-moccur.el

=== Usage

(require 'evil-operator-moccur) (global-evil-operator-moccur-mode 1)

It provides an operator for moccur-grep-find command. You can use it by typing M*, for example, Miw for grepping a word under the cursor. The key can be changed by setting custom variable evil-operator-moccur-grep-find-key. You will be asked in which directory files to be grepped are located. Setting custom variable evil-operator-moccur-use-current-directory disables asking a directory and files in the current directory are grepped.

=== Dependencies

== evil-relative-linum.el

=== Usage

(require 'evil-relative-linum)

It provides relative line numbers shown up when you hit operator keys.

=== Dependencies

== evil-textobj-between.el

=== Usage

(require 'evil-textobj-between)

It provides text object for selecting a range between a character. Default key bindings are if and af, which select a range between a character by which the command is followed. if selects an inner range. These bindings can be changed by setting custom variable evil-textobj-between-i-key and evil-textobj-between-a-key.

=== Examples

| denotes the cursor position.

dif, on foo, b|ar, baz deletes ' bar', and vif: on :foo :b|ar :baz selects 'bar '.

=== Remarks

The idea is taken from http://d.hatena.ne.jp/thinca/20100614/1276448745, which is to define textobj-between for Vim.

== hexl-evil-patch.el

=== Usage

(require 'hexl-evil-patch)

A patch for hexl-mode, a mode for editing binary files in hex dump format.