
My org-mode site for quick write-ups

MIT License

  • About
  • This is a standard landing page and blog for my miscellaneous thoughts and essentially links out to all my other work.
  • The theme is based off this [[https://themes.gohugo.io//theme/hugo-theme-hello-friend-ng/][theme]]
  • The rest of the site is configured to work well with doom-emacs, so it uses ox-hugo
  • Running Locally
    This site uses modular Hugo themes so:
    #+begin_src bash
    git submodule update --init
    After the dependencies are set up below the site can be built and served with rake tasks. [[https://gohugo.io/getting-started/installing/][Hugo]] is also expected.
    #+begin_src bash
    $ rake --tasks
    rake clean # Clean the generated content
    rake getPandoc # Install pandoc
    rake hugoBuild # Build site with Hugo
    rake hugoServe[port] # Serve site with Hugo
    rake md # Orgmode to markdown with Emacs
    ** With Nix
    Enter the shell with nix-shell and use a rake task!
    *** Updating Expressions
    This typically involves the following:
    #+begin_src conf

Optional, in ~/.config/nix/nix.conf or darwin-configuration.nix

nix.package = pkgs.nixUnstable; nix.extraOptions = '' experimental-features = nix-command flakes ''; #+end_src Updating the ruby packages: #+begin_src bash

Wit nix shell (v2.4 and up)

nix shell nixpkgs#bundix -c bundix -l


nix-shell -p bundix --run "bundix -l" #+end_src Similarly, the node packages are to be generated with: #+begin_src bash nix shell nixpkgs#nodePackages.node2nix -c node2nix -c node.nix #+end_src With the updates done globally: #+begin_src bash npm install -g npm-check-updates ncu -u # Might break! #+end_src ** Without Nix *** Conda Environments Most of the dependencies can be setup via micromamba or another equivalent. The exceptions are:

  • Hugo (the [[https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/releases][extended release]])
  • Dart Sass
  • Emacs (28.2)
    *** Ruby
    Track the ruby dependencies with rbenv and ruby-build:
    #+begin_src bash
    git clone https://github.com/rbenv/rbenv.git ~/.rbenv
    cd ~/.rbenv && src/configure && make -C src
    echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc
    Then use them:
    #+begin_src bash
    rbenv install 3.2.2
    eval "$(rbenv init -)"
    gem install bundler
  • TODO Fix snippets not being part of the sitemap