
Building blocks for org-based dashboards.

GPL-3.0 License

  • om-dash

#+BEGIN: om-dash--readme-toc

  • [[#what-is-this?][What is this?]]
  • [[#example-workflow][Example workflow]]
  • [[#example-blocks][Example blocks]]
  • [[#contributions][Contributions]]
  • [[#releases][Releases]]
  • [[#installation][Installation]]
  • [[#updater-functions][Updater functions]]
  • [[#dynamic-blocks][Dynamic blocks]]
  • [[#templates][Templates]]
  • [[#minor-mode][Minor mode]]
  • [[#variables][Variables]]
  • [[#faces][Faces]]
  • [[#authors][Authors]]
  • [[#license][License]]

** What is this?

=om-dash= implements [[][dynamic blocks]] for org-mode that you can use to compose a custom project dashboard.

It was always a struggle to me to keep track of the "big picture" when I'm hopping between projects.

I wanted a tool that can give me a brief summary of all ongoing projects: what's done, what's next, and what requires attention. And then I realized that it can be easily implemented using org-mode, so here we go.

Currently om-dash implementats three configurable dynamic blocks:

  • =om-dash-github= - generates a table with issues or pull requests from github repository
  • =om-dash-orgfile= - generates tables with top-level entries from an org file
  • =om-dash-command= - generates a table from the output of a shell command

It also provides a minor mode (=om-dash-mode=) that applies highlighting to the generated tables.

In addition, there is support for templates, which allows to create reusable parameterized configurations of the above blocks (e.g. for specific github query or shell command).

** Example workflow

Here I describe my own workflow. Yours can be different of course, but I think this should give the basic idea about this package.

For every project, I have three main sources of "things" to keep track of:

  • github repository with issues and pull requests
  • personal org file with tasks grouped into some kind of milestones (usually releases)
  • a few IMAP directories with email related to this project (mailing lists, notifications, discussions)

On top of that, I have a file called "" with a top-level entry for every project, and a few second-level entries with om-dash dynamic blocks:

  • a block with all open or recently merged pull requests from github
  • another block with open github issues (for big projects, I display only issues from specific column of github kanban board, or from specific milestone)
  • one block for every ongoing or upcoming milestone from my personal org file for this project, showing top level tasks from each milestone
  • block with project's IMAP directories and unread email counter

Screenshot of a project from "" described above:


** Example blocks

*** Github pull requests

Display all open pull requests and pull requests closed last month.

#+begin_example ,#+BEGIN: om-dash-github :repo "roc-streaming/roc-toolkit" :type pr :open "*" :closed "-1mo" ... ,#+END: #+end_example


*** Github issues

Display all open issues except those which have "help wanted" label.

#+begin_example ,#+BEGIN: om-dash-github :repo "gavv/signal-estimator" :type issue :open "-label:"help wanted"" ... ,#+END: #+end_example


*** Github project column

Display all open issues from "In work" column of github project with id "2".

This examples uses built-in =project-column= template, which transforms =:project= and =:column= arguments into corresponding github queries for =om-dash-github= block.

#+begin_example ,#+BEGIN: om-dash-github :template project-column :repo "roc-streaming/roc-toolkit" :type issue :project 2 :column "In work" ... ,#+END: #+end_example


*** Tasks from org file

Display 1-level TODO tasks as tables with their child 2-level TODO tasks as table rows. Hide 1-level DONE tasks.

#+begin_example ,#+BEGIN: om-dash-orgfile :file "~/cloud/org/" :todo 2 :done 0 ... ,#+END: #+end_example


*** Project email

Display unread email counters for project's IMAP directories fetched by Claws Mail client.

#+begin_example ,#+BEGIN: om-dash-command :template claws-mail :folder "develop/roc" ... ,#+END: #+end_example


This example uses custom (not built-in) template, which transforms =:folder= argument into appropriate arguments for =om-dash-command= block:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp (defun my-claws-mail-template (params) (let ((folder (plist-get params :folder))) (list :headline (format "emails (%s)" folder) :command (format "claws2json -f %s" folder) :columns '("state" "count" "total" "folder"))))

(add-to-list 'om-dash-templates '(claws-mail . my-claws-mail-template)) #+end_src

(Here, =claws2json= is a small script I wrote that reads =folderlist.xml= file produced by Claws Mail and prints a table in JSON format.)

** Contributions

So far I've implemented only things that I needed for my own workflow, plus some reasonable customization. I have quite limited time for this project, so if you would like to extend it for your workflow, pull requests are very welcome!

Also, as I've never created elisp packages before, I probably missed some conventions or best practices. Again, patches are welcome.

** Releases

Changelog file can be found here: [[./][changelog]].

** Installation

Required external tools:

  • [[][gh]]
  • [[][jq]]

To access private repos on github, follow [[][official instructions]].

Elisp dependencies:

  • [[][org-ql]]
  • [[][s.el]]
  • [[][ts.el]]
  • [[][el-csv]] (optional)

Package was tested on Emacs 28.2 on Linux.

Instructions for straight.el:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp ;; required dependencies (straight-use-package 'org-ql) (straight-use-package 's) (straight-use-package 'ts)

;; optional (straight-use-package '(el-csv :type git :host github :repo "mrc/el-csv" :branch "master" :files ("parse-csv.el")))

;; om-dash (straight-use-package '(om-dash :type git :host github :repo "gavv/om-dash" :branch "main" :files ("om-dash.el"))) #+end_src

** Updater functions

The following functions can be used to update dynamic blocks (of any kind) in current document. You can bind them to =org-mode-map= or =om-dash-mode-map=.

#+BEGIN: om-dash--readme-symbol :symbol org-update-all-dblocks *** org-update-all-dblocks Update all dynamic blocks in the buffer. This function can be used in a hook. #+END:

#+BEGIN: om-dash--readme-symbol :symbol org-dblock-update *** org-dblock-update User command for updating dynamic blocks. Update the dynamic block at point. With prefix ARG, update all dynamic blocks in the buffer.

(fn &optional ARG) #+END:

#+BEGIN: om-dash--readme-symbol :symbol om-dash-update-tree *** om-dash-update-tree Update all dynamic blocks in current tree, starting from top-level entry.

E.g., for the following document:


    1.              o

** 1.1 <- cursor | *** 1.1.1 | [tree] *** 1.1.2 | ** 1.2 o

** 2.1 #+end_example

the function updates all blocks inside 1., 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.2. #+END:

#+BEGIN: om-dash--readme-symbol :symbol om-dash-update-subtree *** om-dash-update-subtree Update all dynamic blocks in current subtree, starting from current entry.

E.g., for the following document:


** 1.1 <- cursor o *** 1.1.1 | [subtree] *** 1.1.2 o ** 1.2

** 2.1 #+end_example

the function updates all blocks inside 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.2. #+END:

** Dynamic blocks

This section lists dynamic blocks implemented by =om-dash=. Each block named =om-dash-xxx= corresponds to a function named =org-dblock-write:om-dash-xxx=.

#+BEGIN: om-dash--readme-symbol :symbol org-dblock-write:om-dash-github *** om-dash-github Builds org heading with a table of github issues or pull requests.

Basic example:

#+begin_example ,#+BEGIN: om-dash-github :repo "octocat/linguist" :type pr :open "*" :closed "-1w" ... ,#+END: #+end_example

More advanced example:

#+begin_example ,#+BEGIN: om-dash-github :repo "octocat/hello-world" :type any :open ("comments:>2" ".title | contains("Hello")") :sort "updatedAt" :limit 100 ... ,#+END: #+end_example


| parameter | default | description | |----------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------------| | :repo | required | github repo in form / | | :type | required | topic type (=issue=, =pr=, =any=) | | :any | match none () | query for topics in any state | | :open | match all (*) | query for topics in open state | | :closed | match none () | query for topics in closed state | | :sort | createdAt | sort results by given field | | :fields | =om-dash-github-fields= | explicitly specify list of fields | | :limit | =om-dash-github-limit= | limit number of results | | :table-columns | =om-dash-github-columns= | list of columns to display | | :headline | auto | text for generated org heading | | :heading-level | auto | level for generated org heading |

A query for =:any=, =:open=, and =:closed= can have one of the two forms:

  • "github-query"
  • ("github-query" "jq-selector")

=github-query= is a string using github search syntax:

Besides standard syntax, a few extended forms are supported:

| form | description | |----------+---------------------------------------| | * | match all | | -123d | match if updated during last 123 days | | -123w | same, but weeks | | -123mo | same, but months | | -123y | same, but years |

=jq-selector= is an optional selector to filter results using jq command:

You can specify different queries for open and closed topics, e.g. to show all open issues but only recently closed issues, use:

#+begin_example :open "*" :closed "-1mo" #+end_example

Alternatively, you can use a single query regardless of topic state:

#+begin_example :any "-1mo" #+end_example

Under the hood, the block uses combination of gh and jq commands like:

#+begin_example gh -R issue list --json --search --limit | jq '[.[] | select()]' #+end_example

(jq part is optional and is used only when the query has the second form when both github and jq parts are present).

Exact commands being executed are printed to =om-dash= buffer if =om-dash-verbose= is set.

By default, github query uses all fields from =om-dash-github-fields=, plus any field from =om-dash-github-auto-enabled-fields= if it's present in jq selector.

The latter allows to exclude fields that makes queries slower, when they're not used. To change this, you can specify =:fields= parameter explicitly. #+END:

#+BEGIN: om-dash--readme-symbol :symbol org-dblock-write:om-dash-orgfile *** om-dash-orgfile Builds org headings with tables based on another org file.

Example usage:

#+begin_example ,#+BEGIN: om-dash-orgfile :repo :file "~/my/" :todo 2 :done 1 ... ,#+END: #+end_example


| parameter | default | description | |----------------+---------------------------+----------------------------------| | :file | required | path to .org file | | :todo | 2 | nesting level for TODO entries | | :done | 1 | nesting level for DONE entries | | :table-columns | =om-dash-orgfile-columns= | list of columns to display | | :heading-level | auto | level for generated org headings |

This block generates an org heading with a table for every top-level (i.e. level-1) org heading in specified =:file=, with nested headings represented as table rows.

Parameters =:todo= and =:done= limit how deep the tree is traversed for top-level headings in =TODO= and =DONE= states.

For example:

  • if =:done= is 0, then level-1 headings in =DONE= state are not shown at all

  • if =:done= is 1, then level-1 headings in =DONE= state are shown "collapsed", i.e. org heading is generated, but without table

  • if =:done= is 2, then level-1 headings in =DONE= state are shown and each has a table with its level-2 children

  • if =:done= is 3, then level-1 headings in =DONE= state are shown and each has a table with its level-2 and level-3 children

...and so on. Same applies to =:todo= parameter.

Whether a heading is considered as =TODO= or =DONE= is defined by variables =om-dash-todo-keywords= and =om-dash-done-keywords=.

By default they are automatically populated from =org-todo-keywords-1= and =org-done-keywords=, but you can set them to your own values. #+END:

#+BEGIN: om-dash--readme-symbol :symbol org-dblock-write:om-dash-command *** om-dash-command Builds org heading with a table from output of a shell command.

Usage example: #+begin_example ,#+BEGIN: om-dash-command :command "curl -s" :format json :columns ("name" "forks_count") ... ,#+END: #+end_example

| parameter | default | description | |----------------+----------+-----------------------------------------| | :command | required | shell command to run | | :columns | required | column names (list of strings) | | :format | =json= | command output format (=json= or =csv=) | | :headline | auto | text for generated org heading | | :heading-level | auto | level for generated org heading |

If =:format= is =json=, command output should be a JSON array of JSON objects, which have a value for every key from =:columns=.

If =:format= is =csv=, command output should be CSV. First column of CSV becomes value of first column from =:columns=, and so on.

Note: using CSV format requires installing =parse-csv= package from #+END:

** Templates

This section lists built-in templates provided by =om-dash=. You can define your own templates via =om-dash-templates= variable.

#+BEGIN: om-dash--readme-symbol :symbol om-dash-github:milestone *** om-dash-github:milestone Template for =om-dash-github= block to display topics from given milestone.

Can be used as =:template= =milestone= with =om-dash-github= block.

Usage example: #+begin_example ,#+BEGIN: om-dash-github :template milestone :repo "user/repo" :type issue :milestone "name" ... ,#+END: #+end_example


| parameter | default | description | |----------------+----------+---------------------------------------| | :repo | required | github repo in form / | | :type | required | topic type (=issue=, =pr=, =any=) | | :state | =open= | topic state (=open=, =closed=, =any=) | | :milestone | required | milestone name (string) | | :headline | auto | text for generated org heading | | :heading-level | auto | level for generated org heading |

Any other parameter is not used by template and passed to =om-dash-github= as-is. #+END:

#+BEGIN: om-dash--readme-symbol :symbol om-dash-github:project-column *** om-dash-github:project-column Template for =om-dash-github= block to display topics from given project's column.

Can be used as =:template= =project-column= with =om-dash-github= block.

Usage example: #+begin_example ,#+BEGIN: om-dash-github :template project-column :repo "user/repo" :type issue :project 123 :column "name" ... ,#+END: #+end_example


| parameter | default | description | |----------------+----------+----------------------------------------------------------| | :repo | required | github repo in form / | | :type | required | topic type (=issue=, =pr=, =any=) | | :state | =open= | topic state (=open=, =closed=, =any=) | | :project | required | project id in form or // | | :column | required | project column name (string) | | :headline | auto | text for generated org heading | | :heading-level | auto | level for generated org heading |

Any other parameter is not used by template and passed to =om-dash-github= as-is. #+END:

** Minor mode

#+BEGIN: om-dash--readme-symbol :symbol om-dash-mode *** om-dash-mode om-dash minor mode.

This is a minor mode. If called interactively, toggle the 'OM-Dash mode' mode. If the prefix argument is positive, enable the mode, and if it is zero or negative, disable the mode.

If called from Lisp, toggle the mode if ARG is =toggle=. Enable the mode if ARG is nil, omitted, or is a positive number. Disable the mode if ARG is a negative number.

To check whether the minor mode is enabled in the current buffer, evaluate =om-dash-mode=.

The mode's hook is called both when the mode is enabled and when it is disabled.

This minor mode for .org files enables additional highlighting inside org tables generated by om-dash dynamic blocks.

Things that are highlighted:

  • table header and cell (text and background)
  • org-mode keywords
  • issue or pull request state, number, author
  • tags

After editing keywords list, you need to reactivate minor mode for changes to take effect.

To active this mode automatically for specific files, you can use local variables (add this to the end of file):


Local Variables:

eval: (om-dash-mode 1)


#+end_example #+END:

** Variables

#+BEGIN: om-dash--readme-symbol :symbol om-dash-todo-keywords *** om-dash-todo-keywords List of keywords considered as TODO.

If block has any of the TODO keywords, block's heading becomes TODO. The first element from this list is used for block's heading in this case.

If a keyword from this list doesn't have a face in =om-dash-keyword-faces=, it uses default TODO keyword face.

When nil, filled automatically from =org-todo-keywords=, =org-done-keywords=, and pre-defined github keywords. #+END:

#+BEGIN: om-dash--readme-symbol :symbol om-dash-done-keywords *** om-dash-done-keywords List of keywords considered as DONE.

If block doesn't have any of the TODO keywords, block's heading becomes DONE. The first element from this list is used for block's heading in this case.

If a keyword from this list doesn't have a face in =om-dash-keyword-faces=, it uses default DONE keyword face.

When nil, filled automatically from =org-todo-keywords=, =org-done-keywords=, and pre-defined github keywords. #+END:

#+BEGIN: om-dash--readme-symbol :symbol om-dash-keyword-faces *** om-dash-keyword-faces Assoc list to map keywords to faces.

If some keyword is not mapped to a face explicitly, default face is selected, using face for TODO or DONE depending on whether that keyword is in =om-dash-todo-keywords= or =om-dash-done-keywords=. #+END:

#+BEGIN: om-dash--readme-symbol :symbol om-dash-tag-map *** om-dash-tag-map Assoc list to remap or unmap tag names.

Defines how tags are displayed in table. You can map tag name to a different string or to nil to hide it. #+END:

#+BEGIN: om-dash--readme-symbol :symbol om-dash-templates *** om-dash-templates Assoc list of expandable templates for om-dash dynamic blocks.

Each entry is a cons of two symbols: template name and template function.

When you pass ":template foo" as an argument to a dynamic block, it finds a function in this list by key =foo= and uses it to "expand" the template.

This function is invoked with dynamic block parameters plist and should return a new plist. The new plist is used to update the original parameters by appending new values and overwriting existing values.

For example, if =org-dblock-write:om-dash-github= block has parameters: #+begin_example (:template project-column :repo "owner/repo" :type 'pr :project 123 :column "In progress") #+end_example

Dynamic block will use =project-column= as a key in =om-dash-templates= and find =om-dash-github:project-column= function.

The function is invoked with all the parameters above, and returns something like: #+begin_example (:repo "owner/repo" :type 'pr :open ("project:owner/repo/123" ".projectCards[] | ( == "In progress")")) #+end_example

Then this parameters are interpreted as usual. #+END:

#+BEGIN: om-dash--readme-symbol :symbol om-dash-table-fixed-width *** om-dash-table-fixed-width If non-nil, align tables to have given fixed width. If nil, tables have minimum width that fits their contents. #+END:

#+BEGIN: om-dash--readme-symbol :symbol om-dash-table-squeeze-empty *** om-dash-table-squeeze-empty If non-nil, automatically remove empty columns from tables. E.g. if every row has empty tags, :tags column is removed from this table. #+END:

#+BEGIN: om-dash--readme-symbol :symbol om-dash-table-link-style *** om-dash-table-link-style How links are generated in om-dash tables.

Allowed values:

  • :none - no links are inserted
  • :text - only cell text becomes a link
  • :cell - whole cell becomes a link

#+BEGIN: om-dash--readme-symbol :symbol om-dash-orgfile-columns *** om-dash-orgfile-columns Column list for =om-dash-orgfile= table.

Supported values:

| symbol | example | |-------------+-----------------| | :state | TODO, DONE, ... | | :title | text | | :title-link | [[link][text]] | | :tags | :tag1:tag2:...: | #+END:

#+BEGIN: om-dash--readme-symbol :symbol om-dash-github-columns *** om-dash-github-columns Column list for =om-dash-github= table.

Supported values:

| symbol | example | |-------------+-------------------| | :state | OPEN, CLOSED, ... | | :number | #123 | | :author | @octocat | | :title | text | | :title-link | [[link][text]] | | :tags | :tag1:tag2:...: | #+END:

#+BEGIN: om-dash--readme-symbol :symbol om-dash-github-limit *** om-dash-github-limit Default limit for github queries.

E.g. if you query "all open issues" or "closed issues since january", only last =om-dash-github-limit= results are returned. #+END:

#+BEGIN: om-dash--readme-symbol :symbol om-dash-github-fields *** om-dash-github-fields List of json fields enabled by default in github queries.

This defines which fields are present in github responses and hence can be used in jq selectors.

We don't enable all fields by default because some of them noticeably slow down response times.

There is also =om-dash-github-auto-enabled-fields=, which defines fields that are enabled automatically for a query if jq selector contains them.

In addition, =org-dblock-write:om-dash-github= accepts =:fields= parameter, which can be used to overwrite fields list per-block. #+END:

#+BEGIN: om-dash--readme-symbol :symbol om-dash-github-auto-enabled-fields *** om-dash-github-auto-enabled-fields List of json fields automatically enabled on demand in github queries.

See =om-dash-github-fields= for more details. #+END:

#+BEGIN: om-dash--readme-symbol :symbol om-dash-verbose *** om-dash-verbose Enable verbose logging. If non-nill, all commands and queries are logged to =om-dash= buffer. #+END:

** Faces

#+BEGIN: om-dash--readme-symbol :symbol om-dash-header-cell *** om-dash-header-cell Face used for entire cell in om-dash table header. You can use it so specify header background. #+END:

#+BEGIN: om-dash--readme-symbol :symbol om-dash-header-text *** om-dash-header-text Face used for text in om-dash table header. You can use it so specify header font. #+END:

#+BEGIN: om-dash--readme-symbol :symbol om-dash-cell *** om-dash-cell Face used for entire non-header cell in om-dash table. You can use it so specify cell background. #+END:

#+BEGIN: om-dash--readme-symbol :symbol om-dash-text *** om-dash-text Face used for text in om-dash table non-header cell. You can use it so specify cell font. #+END:

#+BEGIN: om-dash--readme-symbol :symbol om-dash-number *** om-dash-number Face used for issue or pull request numbers in om-dash tables. #+END:

#+BEGIN: om-dash--readme-symbol :symbol om-dash-author *** om-dash-author Face used for issue or pull request authors in om-dash tables. #+END:

#+BEGIN: om-dash--readme-symbol :symbol om-dash-todo-keyword *** om-dash-todo-keyword Face used for =TODO= keyword in om-dash tables. #+END:

#+BEGIN: om-dash--readme-symbol :symbol om-dash-done-keyword *** om-dash-done-keyword Face used for =DONE= keyword in om-dash tables. #+END:

#+BEGIN: om-dash--readme-symbol :symbol om-dash-open-keyword *** om-dash-open-keyword Face used for =OPEN= keyword in om-dash tables. #+END:

#+BEGIN: om-dash--readme-symbol :symbol om-dash-merged-keyword *** om-dash-merged-keyword Face used for =MERGED= keyword in om-dash tables. #+END:

#+BEGIN: om-dash--readme-symbol :symbol om-dash-closed-keyword *** om-dash-closed-keyword Face used for =CLOSED= keyword in om-dash tables. #+END:

** Authors

See [[./][here]].

** License