
Ember CLI addon for resolving markdown files and trees of md files.

MIT License


Ember CLI Markdown Resolver

Ember CLI Markdown Resolver is the quickest way to include static markdown content in your Ember.js application using Broccoli Markdown Resolver.


ember install ember-cli-markdown-resolver


The addon requires you specify the locations of markdown files:

// config/environment.js

ENV['ember-cli-markdown-resolver'] = {
  folders: {
    'guides': 'app/guides'

And to populate your folder with markdown content:

└── app/
    └── guides/
        ├── quick-start.md
        ├── examples.md
        └── examples/
            └── first.md


Ember CLI Markdown Resolver enables markdown content to be retrieved via the markdownResolver service.

this.get('markdownResolver').file(type, path)

The file method returns promisified markdown content, allowing the content to be chainable via .then().

// routes/guides/single.js

import Route from '@ember/routing/route';
import { get } from '@ember/object';
import { inject } from '@ember/service';

export default Route.extend({
  markdownResolver: inject(),

  model({ path }) {
    return get(this, 'markdownResolver').file('guides', path);

Each markdown file exposes the path, raw content, frontmatter attributes and its children.

<!-- templates/guides/single.hbs -->

{{model.content}} <!-- 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet' -->
{{model.path}} <!-- 'app/guides/examples' -->
{{model.attributes}} <!-- { title: 'Examples', order: 1 } -->
{{model.children}} <!-- Array of child content -->


The tree method returns a tree object for a given folder, allowing menu interfaces to be built from the markdown file structure.

// routes/guides.js

import Route from '@ember/routing/route';
import { get } from '@ember/object';
import { inject } from '@ember/service';

export default Route.extend({
  markdownResolver: inject(),

  model() {
    return get(this, 'markdownResolver').tree('guides');

Adding an order value to a file's frontmatter will automatically order files within the tree.

title: Quick Start
order: 0

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...

Additionally, adding a fragmentIdLinks object to a file's frontmatter will generate a list local fragment identifier links which are used within the {{markdown-menu-item}} component. This is handy when you want to link to several individual sections of a large parent markdown file instead of having individual child markdown files.

The fragmentIdLinks object expects child key-value pairs where each key represents the hash fragment id link and each value represents the text label to be shown as a child on the {{markdown-menu}} component.

title: Fragment Identifier Links
order: 4
  iamsectionone: "Section One"
  section-two: "Section Two"

### I am section one
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...

<a id="section-two">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...

By default, when you click on each fragmentIdLinks child link within the {{markdown-menu-item}} component it will update the url hash. You can easily override this default behavior by passing an onClick closure action into the {{markdown-menu}} component.

{{!-- templates/guides.hbs --}}
{{markdown-menu onClick=(action "clickedMenuItemLink")}}
// controllers/guides.js
import Controller from '@ember/controller';

export default Controller.extend({
  actions: {
    clickedMenuItemLink(fragmentIdLink) {
        behavior: 'smooth'

The addon ships with a markdown-menu component which builds a nested list from your file tree and can be styled using your own css.

<!-- templates/guides.hbs -->

    title="My Markdown Menu"


Ember CLI Markdown Resolver defines the following template helpers:

<!-- Gets the title property of the markdown file -->
{{get (get-markdown-file 'guides' 'nested/page-slug') 'title'}}

<!-- Shorthand to get content from markdown file -->
{{my-render-component content=(get-markdown-content 'guides' 'nested/page-slug')}}

<!-- Get the markdown tree -->
{{markdown-menu tree=(get-markdown-tree 'guides')}}


Check out the Ember CLI Markdown Resolver guides, which is generated using the addon.

Code for the guides can be found here.

Node Version

Ember CLI Markdown Resolver currently supports Node >=6.



  • git clone https://github.com/willviles/ember-cli-markdown-resolver.git
  • cd ember-cli-markdown-resolver
  • yarn install


Running Tests

  • yarn test (Runs ember try:each to test your addon against multiple Ember versions)
  • ember test
  • ember test --server


  • ember build

For more information on using ember-cli, visit https://ember-cli.com/.