
WebJar for @ember/edition-utils

MIT License



This package is the officially supported mechanism for declaring and detecting the specific edition that a given application is using.


Declaring Edition

In order to declare which edition of Ember your application (or addon's test bed application) is compatible with you would update your package.json to include the following:

  "name": "project-name",
  // ...snip
  "ember": {
    "edition": "octane"

Detecting Edition

In order to detect if the currently running application is using at least a specific edition, you would call has. This will most commonly be used from within various addon's to determine which blueprint code to run. For example:

const { has } = require('@ember/edition-utils');

if (has('octane', this.project.root)) {
  // do octane stuff
} else {
  // do classic mode stuff

Valid use of the edition value

The edition flag should only be used by addons to determine what blueprint output to generate and to provide helpful warnings (or errors) at build time.

This does not allow for an addon to detect the edition configuration and change its fundamental implementation. This is quite intentional!

Instead, addons should rely on feature detection techniques like the following to alter implementations:


This project is licensed under the MIT License.