
Hot plug your features.

MIT License



Hot plug your features: ember-feature-controls provides an administration panel to enable or disable feature flags.

Demo is available here: https://dazzlingfugu.github.io/ember-feature-controls/.


  • Ember.js v4.8 or above
  • Ember CLI v4.8 or above
  • Node.js v18 or above


ember install ember-feature-controls


This addon works with ember-feature-flags. It displays an administration panel to enable or disable feature flags.

Within a template

The addon provides a component <FeatureControls /> to add in a template of your app. This component basically displays the table with actions buttons.

<FeatureControls />


<FeatureControls @showRefresh={{false}} @showReset={{false}} />
  • showRefresh: Show the refresh button, true by default
  • showReset: Show the refresh button, true by default

Within the router

You can configure a route for feature-controls in your app. This will add a route under the name features-list and the path features by default. You can use an object as second parameter to configure the route like any route in your app. For example:

// app/router.ts
import EmberRouter from "@ember/routing/router";
import config from "dummy/config/environment";
import featureControlsRouteSetup from "ember-feature-controls/route-setup";

export default class Router extends EmberRouter {
  location = config.locationType;
  rootURL = config.rootURL;

Router.map(function () {
  featureControlsRouteSetup(this, { path: "__features" });



Define a set of custom feature flags by defining the featureFlags property in config/environment.js.

Then, you can configure a set of metadata for your feature flags by defining the property featureControls. This is an easy way to change settings for a given environment. For example:

// config/environment.js
module.exports = function (environment) {
  var ENV = {
    featureFlags: {
      "show-spinners": true,
      "download-cats": false,
    featureControls: {
      useLocalStorage: true,
      metadata: [
          key: "show-spinners",
          description: "Show spinners",
          key: "download-cats",
          description: "Add button to download cats image",
          reload: true,
          key: "easter-egg",
          hide: true,

  return ENV;

About useLocalStorage: this property is not mandatory, but setting it to true register the new value of some flag in the local storage. This way, the values for all flags remain the same after refreshing your application.

About reload: this property is not mandatory. It forces the browser to reload if this flag change. This is needed for flags involved in the setup of your application.

About hide: this property is not mandatory. It forces to hide the feature flag in the listing.


See the Contributing guide for details.



This project is licensed under the MIT License.