
An Erlang library, macros and parse transform for structured, standard errors with more context

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A library, macros and parse transform for structured, standard errors with more context



rebar3 compile



rebar3 ct


Add einfo as a dependency on your project, on rebar for example:

.. code-block:: erl

{einfo, {git, "https://github.com/marianoguerra/einfo", {branch, "master"}}}

Add the einfo_pt parse transform to your config, on rebar for example:

.. code-block:: erl

{erl_opts, [debug_info, {parse_transform, einfo_pt}]}.

For now, on the module you want to use it, include einfo.hrl:

.. code-block:: erl


What does it do

it will transform the module in test/pt_samples/module1.erl from:

.. code-block:: erl


f1 () ->
	A = einfo:error(my_bad),

f2(1) -> one;
f2(2) -> two;
f2(X) -> einfo:error(badarg, io_lib:format("bad argument: ~p", [X])).

f3(A, 0) ->
	einfo:error(division_by_zero, "dividing " ++ integer_to_list(A) ++ " by 0");
f3(A, B) -> A / B.

f_extra(A) ->
	einfo:error(badarg, io_lib:format("bad argument: ~p", [A]),
				#{arg => A, bad => true}).

wrap() ->
	einfo:wrap(badarg, {error, parent_cause}).

wrap(Error) ->
	einfo:wrap(badarg, Error).

wrap_msg() ->
	einfo:wrap(badarg, "Msg", {error, parent_cause}).

wrap_extra() ->
	einfo:wrap(badarg, "Msg", #{with_parent => true}, {error, parent_cause}).

format(X) ->
	einfo:format(badarg, "bad argument: ~p", [X]).

format_extra(A) ->
	einfo:format(badarg, "bad argument: ~p", [A], #{arg => A, bad => true}).

wrap_format(X) ->
	einfo:wrap_format(badarg, "bad argument: ~p", [X], {error, parent}).

wrap_format_extra(A) ->
	einfo:wrap_format(badarg, "bad argument: ~p", [A], #{arg => A, bad => true},
	 {error, parent}).


.. code-block:: erl



f1() ->
	A = {error,
	 #einfo{type = my_bad, msg = "my_bad",
		module = module1, function = f1, arity = 0, line = 8,
		cause = undefined, extra = undefined}},

f2(1) -> one;
f2(2) -> two;
f2(X) ->
	 #einfo{type = badarg,
		msg = io_lib:format("bad argument: ~p", [X]),
		module = module1, function = f2, arity = 1, line = 13,
		cause = undefined, extra = undefined}}.

f3(A, 0) ->
	 #einfo{type = division_by_zero,
		msg = "dividing " ++ integer_to_list(A) ++ " by 0",
		module = module1, function = f3, arity = 2, line = 16,
		cause = undefined, extra = undefined}};
f3(A, B) -> A / B.

f_extra(A) ->
	 #einfo{type = badarg,
		msg = io_lib:format("bad argument: ~p", [A]),
		module = module1, function = f_extra, arity = 1,
		line = 20, cause = undefined,
		extra = #{arg => A, bad => true}}}.

wrap() ->
	 #einfo{type = badarg, msg = "badarg",
		module = module1, function = wrap, arity = 0, line = 24,
		cause = {error, parent_cause}, extra = undefined}}.

wrap(Error) ->
	 #einfo{type = badarg, msg = "badarg",
		module = module1, function = wrap, arity = 1, line = 27,
		cause = Error, extra = undefined}}.

wrap_msg() ->
	 #einfo{type = badarg, msg = "Msg",
		module = module1, function = wrap_msg, arity = 0,
		line = 30, cause = {error, parent_cause}, extra = undefined}}.

wrap_extra() ->
	 #einfo{type = badarg, msg = "Msg",
		module = module1, function = wrap_extra, arity = 0,
		line = 33, cause = {error, parent_cause},
		extra = #{with_parent => true}}}.

format(X) ->
	 #einfo{type = badarg,
		msg = io_lib:format("bad argument: ~p", [X]),
		module = module1, function = format, arity = 1,
		line = 36, cause = undefined, extra = undefined}}.

format_extra(A) ->
	 #einfo{type = badarg,
		msg = io_lib:format("bad argument: ~p", [A]),
		module = module1, function = format_extra, arity = 1,
		line = 39, cause = undefined,
		extra = #{arg => A, bad => true}}}.

wrap_format(X) ->
	 #einfo{type = badarg,
		msg = io_lib:format("bad argument: ~p", [X]),
		module = module1, function = wrap_format, arity = 1,
		line = 42, cause = {error, parent}, extra = undefined}}.

wrap_format_extra(A) ->
	 #einfo{type = badarg,
		msg = io_lib:format("bad argument: ~p", [A]),
		module = module1, function = wrap_format_extra,
		arity = 1, line = 45, cause = {error, parent},
		extra = #{arg => A, bad => true}}}.

Note that include_lib for einfo.hrl will only be included if it wasn't there


Parameters ..........

Type An atom describing the type of error in a computer friendly way What you would put as second element in an error tuple: {error, Type}

Msg A string describing the error in human a friendly way

Extra Extra data that serves as context for the error, for example if the error was caused because of a bad key, you can add the key in the extra field

Cause If this error was caused by another internal error you can put the internal error in this field so you can have traceback-like information

Module The module where the error was generated as an atom

Function The function where the error was generated as an atom

Arity The arity of the function where the error was generated as an int

Line The line where the error was generated as an int

Parse Transforms ................

All calls set module, function, arity and line

einfo:error(Type) Create an error with type set, msg is a string version of type

einfo:error(Type, Msg) Create an error with type and msg set

einfo:error(Type, Msg, Extra) Create an error with type and msg and extra set

einfo:wrap(Type, Cause) Create an error with type and cause set, msg is a string version of type

einfo:wrap(Type, Msg, Cause) Create an error with type, msg and cause set

einfo:wrap(Type, Msg, Extra, Cause) Create an error with type, msg, extra and cause set

einfo:format(Type, Format, FormatData) Create an error with type set, msg is a the result of calling at runtime io_lib:format(Format, FormatData)

einfo:format(Type, Format, FormatData, Extra) Create an error with type and extra set, msg is a the result of calling at runtime io_lib:format(Format, FormatData)

einfo:wrap_format(Type, Format, FormatData, Cause) Create an error with type and cause set, msg is a the result of calling at runtime io_lib:format(Format, FormatData)

einfo:wrap_format(Type, Format, FormatData, Extra, Cause) Create an error with type, extra and cause set, msg is a the result of calling at runtime io_lib:format(Format, FormatData)

Functions .........

einfo:to_string(EInfo | {error, EInfo}) Return a one line string representation of the error, without the cause Something like: 'Error: {type}@{module}:{function}/{arity}:{line} "{msg}" ({extra})'

einfo:print(EInfo | {error, EInfo}) print string representation with io:format

type(EInfo) Return the value of the type field msg(EInfo) Return the value of the msg field module(EInfo) Return the value of the module field line(EInfo) Return the value of the line field function(EInfo) Return the value of the function field arity(EInfo) Return the value of the arity field cause(EInfo) Return the value of the cause field extra(EInfo) Return the value of the extra field extra(EInfo, Key) Lookup Key in the extra field, works if Extra is a Map or PropList, returns undefined if not found extra(EInfo, Key, Default) Lookup Key in the extra field, works if Extra is a Map or PropList, returns Default if not found

to_plist(EInfo) Returns the EInfo record as a proplist

to_map(EInfo) Returns the EInfo record as a map, supported on Erlang >= 17

Macros ......

Note: function and arity fields will only be set on Erlang >= 19

NEW_ERROR(Type) Like einfo:error/1 but as a macro NEW_ERROR(Type, Msg) Like einfo:error/2 but as a macro NEW_ERROR(Type, Msg, Extra) Like einfo:error/3 but as a macro

WRAP_ERROR(Type, Cause) Like einfo:wrap/2 but as a macro WRAP_ERROR(Type, Msg, Cause) Like einfo:wrap/3 but as a macro WRAP_ERROR(Type, Msg, Extra, Cause) Like einfo:wrap/4 but as a macro

Types .....

.. code-block:: erl

-type einfo() :: #einfo{}.
-type type() :: atom().
-type msg() :: string().
-type line() :: non_neg_integer().
-type error() :: {error, einfo()} | {error, atom()} | undefined.
-type extra() :: any().


  • automatic include_lib doesn't seem to be working


  • maybe include only record definition instead of -include_lib einfo.hrl?


Mariano Guerra
