
a json patch (RFC 6902) implementation for erlang data structures using jsx and dotto

MPL-2.0 License


json-patch.erl: JSON Patch (RFC 6902) implementation for erlang data structures

this is a thing wrapper around dotto <https://github.com/marianoguerra/dotto>_ that translates json patch objects into dotto operations and then applies them to a given object.

it's useful if you have a rest API and want to implement PATCH method with "application/json-patch+json".

if you want to manipulate erlang data structures from code it's better to use dotto directly.




run tests


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see how it works

just read the RFC or look the test/tests.json file, the usage is::

{ok, ParsedPatch} = jsonpatch:parse(JsonPatch),
{ok, Result} = jsonpatch:patch(ParsedPatch, Obj).

JsonPatch can be a binary containing a json patch object or an erlang data structure, with the result of parsing a json patch object from json.


MPL 2.0