
A blazing fast JSON parser and generator in pure Erlang.

OTHER License



A blazing fast JSON parser and generator in pure Erlang.

Thoas is an Erlang conversion of the Elixir based Jason library.

The parser and generator are at least twice as fast as other Elixir/Erlang libraries. The performance is comparable to jiffy, which is implemented in C as a NIF. Thoas and Jason are usually only twice as slow.

Both parser and generator fully conform to RFC 8259 and ECMA 404 standards. The parser is tested using JSONTestSuite.

If you like this library thank Michał and the Jason contributors. They did all the hard work!



% rebar.config
{deps, [thoas]}


gleam add thoas


# mix.exs
def deps do
  [{:thoas, "~> 1.0"}]

Basic Usage

> JSON = thoas:encode(#{age => 44, name => <<"Steve Irwin">>, nationality => <<"Australian">>}).
<<"{\"age\":44,\"name\":\"Steve Irwin\",\"nationality\":\"Australian\"}">>

> thoas:decode(JSON).
{ok,#{<<"age">> => 44,<<"name">> => <<"Steve Irwin">>, <<"nationality">> => <<"Australian">>}}

> thoas:decode(JSON, #{keys => to_existing_atom}).
{ok,#{age => 44,name => <<"Steve Irwin">>, nationality => <<"Australian">>}}

Erlang <-> JSON mapping

Erlang JSON
null null
true true
false false
nil "nil"
undefined "undefined"
other_atom "other_atom"
1 1
1.1 1.1
-2.0 -2.0
[] []
[1, 2] [1,2]
"chars" [99,104,97,114,115]
<<"text">> "text"
<<"\n">> "\\n"
#{} {}
#{<<"name">> => <<"Lucy">>} {"name":"Lucy"}
#{score => 42, win => true} {"score":42,"win":true}
[{proplists, true}] {"proplists":true}


Benchmarks against most popular Elixir & Erlang json libraries can be executed after going into the bench/ folder and then executing mix bench.encode and mix bench.decode. A HTML report of the benchmarks (after their execution) can be found in bench/output/encode.html and bench/output/decode.html respectively.

Differences to Jason

Thoas has some feature differences compared to Jason.

  • Thoas is written in Erlang.
  • Thoas has no support for Elixir protocols.
  • Thoas has no support for pretty-printing JSON.
  • Thoas has no support for detecting duplicate object keys.
  • Thoas has no support for decoding objects to ordered dictionaries.
  • Thoas has no support for decoding floats to Elixir decimals.
  • Thoas has an additional non-recursive encoder API that may be useful when
    working within statically typed languages such as Gleam.

Why not use Jason?

Jason rocks, but if you're writing Erlang, Gleam, or some other BEAM language you probably don't want to pull in the Elixir compiler and their standard libraries just to get a really fast JSON parser. Thoas is just Erlang and uses rebar3, so it can be easily added as a dependency to projects written in any BEAM language.

Thoas also has a non-recursive API that may be useful from statically typed languages or in highly performance constrained scenarios.

Why is it called Thoas?

Thoas is a son of Jason.


Thoas is released under the Apache License 2.0 - see the LICENSE file.

Thoas is based off of Jason, which is also Apache 2.0 licenced.

Some elements of tests and benchmarks have their origins in the Poison library and were initially licensed under CC0-1.0.

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