
Erlang NIF bindings for XXH3 hash functions implemented in Rust

APACHE-2.0 License



Erlang NIF bindings for XXH3 hash functions implemented in Rust.


XXH3 is a new speed-optimized hash algorithm of the xxHash family of non-cryptographic hash functions, featuring:

  • Improved speed for both small and large inputs
  • True 64-bit and 128-bit outputs
  • SIMD acceleration
  • Improved 32-bit viability

Speed analysis methodology is explained here.


Erlang nif interface does not support passing bigints to the VM, so for 128-bit variants a 128-bit binary is passed, and then converted to a 128-bit integer in erlang.


Note that only binary data is accepted. For other types of data you can first convert them to a binary using erlang:term_to_binary/1.

In Erlang

Data = <<"Test Data">>,
Seed = 1,
Secret = crypto:strong_rand_bytes(136),

H64 = xxh3:hash64(Data),
H64WithSeed = xxh3:hash64(Data, Seed),
H64WithSecret = xxh3:hash64_with_secret(Data, Secret),

H128 = xxh3:hash128(Data),
H128WithSeed = xxh3:hash128(Data, Seed),
H128WithSecret = xxh3:hash128_with_secret(Data, Secret).

H64Stream = xxh3:new(),
xxh3:update(H64Stream, Data),
H64 = xxh3:digest(H64Stream)

In Elixir

data = "Test Data"
seed = 1
secret = :crypto.strong_rand_bytes(136)

h64 = :xxh3.hash64(data)
h64_with_seed = :xxh3.hash64(data, seed)
h64_with_secret = :xxh3.hash64_with_secret(data, secret)

h128 = :xxh3.hash128(data)
h128_with_seed = :xxh3.hash128(data, seed)
h128_with_secret = :xxh3.hash128_with_secret(data, secret)

h64_stream = :xxh3.new(),
:xxh3.update(h64_stream, data),
h64 = :xxh3.digest(h64_stream)

For more details, see the module documentation.


Copyright 2021, Ali Farhadi [email protected].

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.