
All the tools and configs we use for daily dev work. Includes linters, formatters and more.



To install all the tools we provide, run the following:

npm install --save-dev prettier eslint @digital-h/eslint-config @digital-h/prettier-config

If you are prompted to install additional ESLint imports after the install process, do so.

Then set up or make the necessary changes in the following two files:

ESLint configuration file, e.g. πŸ“„ .eslintrc.js:

  "plugins": [ ... ],
  "extends": "@digital-h/eslint-config", <---
  "rules": [...]

For TypeScript projects you might need to add tsconfig to parserOptions:

  "plugins": [ ... ],
  "extends": "@digital-h/eslint-config",
  "parserOptions: {
    "project: [ "./tsconfig.json" ],     <---
  "rules": [ ... ]

πŸ“„ package.json

  "scripts": { ... },
  "dependencies": { ... },
  "devDependencies": { ... }
  "prettier": "@digital-h/prettier-config" <---

For more precise configuration, overrides or the reasoning behind refer to the documentation below.

General Documentation

All the tools and configs we use for daily dev work. Includes linters, formatters and more. Here you are going to find installation instructions for our company's code-style packages, the reasoning behind as well as general information to how we want to do software development.

This documentation includes the following parts:

Regarding the tools section, these are the tools we use at the moment:

We are looking into using additional packages, feel free to add documentation and samples for it:

  • Cypress
  • PACT or JSON Schema for API Testing

Below you can find specific installation instructions for the tools. Please open an issue or a pull request if something is not covered or missing.


You can refer to the samples/ directory to find a working setup with ESLint, Prettier, Husky and Jest configured.



Install the configuration with:

npm i --save-dev eslint @digital-h/eslint-config

After that you can use it in your ESLint configuration file (e.g. .eslintrc.js):

  "extends": "@digital-h/eslint-config"

This allows for addition of custom rules in your config, if there is a need for it. Should there be a need to fully disable or change a rule from this configuration, please open a Pull Request.

For different development stacks there are different configs (e.g. for a React Native Setup). To use those specifically (they extend the standard config), do the following:

  "extends": "@digital-h/eslint-config/react-native-config"
Supported Languages/Frameworks

Currently only Typescript code is linted. In the future we want to expand to also cover React, React Native, Angular and Node.js.


Install the configuration with:

npm i --save-dev prettier @trivago/prettier-plugin-sort-imports prettier-plugin-packagejson prettier-plugin-tailwindcss @digital-h/prettier-config

After that you can use it in your package.json:

  "prettier": "@digital-h/prettier-config"

Or reference it by exporting a single string from your Prettier configuration file: @digital-h/prettier-config. If you want to override some rules, you have to use .prettierrc.js as your configuration file format and then declare the package, as well as your additional rules as follows:

module.exports = {
  // Below are your overrides
  semi: false,


We are using Jest as a test framework for backend and frontend unit tests. Refer to its documentation for usage and installation. In the samples/ directory you can find a basic test together with a npm task able to run the tests.








If you want to collaborate set up a PR with your code changes. Currently you have to manually publish the included packages to npm. You can do this by running:

# In the respective directory - Make sure you are logged in and part of the digital-h npm organization
npm version <NEW_VERSION_NUMBER>
npm run publicpublish
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