
This is the second project in the first module at Microverse program. It is a portfolio website built from a template in Figma.

MIT License


🏷️ Personal Portfolio

This is the second project in the first module in the Microverse program. Check the below contents for further details about this project.

📗 Contents

📖 Description

This project is about building a personal portfolio website. It contains three main files (index.html / style.css / script.js). It also includes some config linters for (HTML / CSS3 / JavaScript) in the .github folder.

📌 Live Demo:

  • See the project live from here.
  • Check a screen recording to showcase the project from here.

📌 Tech Stack:

  • Page strucutre is built with HTML5
  • Styling and effects built with CSS3
  • Interaction and dynamic content built with JavaScript

📌 Key Features:

  • Mobile first design approach
  • Responsive design on all screens
  • Icons in SVG format for sharp visuals
  • Hover effect on every link and icon
  • Animation on hero section heading
  • Toolbar with logo and menu button
  • Toggling hamburger mobile menu
  • Smooth scrolling for each section
  • Menu higlight with scrolling sections
  • Hero section with titles and paragraph
  • Works section with a detailed card for each item
  • About section containing text information
  • Contact section with a form to submit
  • Footer section with social icons links
  • Details Popup window for browsing each project
  • Navigation buttons inside popup window
  • Custom form validation in contact form
  • Preserving contact form information in browser

🛠️ Instructions

You can easily download or fork this repository and work on it immadiately!

📌 Prerequisites:

  • No prior requirements needed!

📌 Setup:

  • Simply download or fork this repository.

📌 Deployment:

  • You can deploy this project by uploading three files (index.html / style.css / script.js) to a live server.

👥 Authors

📌 Mahammad:

📌 Etsubdink:

📌 Mark:

🔭 Future

Some additional features I may implement in the project:

  • Backend and database integration
  • Admin panel for content management

🤝🏻 Contributions

Wish to contribute to this project? Contributions, issues, and feature requests are more than welcome! Feel free to check the issues page too.

⭐️ Support

Like this project? Show your support by starring!

🙏🏻 Acknowledgements

I thank everyone at Microverse for guiding me through this project. Special thanks for John who contributed this issue.

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.